NIGHT CROWS MMORPG pre-registration begins worldwide

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Wemade recently announced the start of global pre-registration for ‘NIGHT CROWS’, a new MMORPG developed by MADNGINE. Using Unreal Engine 5, this Web3 game offers players an immersive experience with realistic lighting and high-definition graphics. ‘NIGHT CROWS’ supports cross-play between mobile and PC, allowing players to enjoy the game on different platforms.

A mix of fantasy and reality

NIGHT CROWS‘ presents a world where ‘everything collides and collides in the lands of medieval Europe’. The game rewards effort and strategy, with players’ choices directly affecting progression and promotions within the game.

‘NIGHT CROWS’ features four classes and eight subclasses, offering players a variety of choices when it comes to character customization. In addition, large-scale wars with space for up to 1,000 players add to the intensity of the gameplay.

Pre-registration and rewards

Since its release in April 2023 in the Republic of Korea, the game has become increasingly popular, topping the charts as the most downloaded and best-selling game in major mobile app markets.

Players interested in ‘NIGHT CROWS’ can pre-register on the official website, Google Play and the Apple App Store until the official launch in March. Pre-registration offers players exclusive rewards, including rare quality mounts and gliders, that enhance their gameplay experience.

Wemade takes a step forward by integrating blockchain technology into ‘NIGHT CROWS’. The game’s economy will be tied to Character NFTs, generated by compressing the character and user’s game data.”

WEMIX3.0 and Streamer Support System (SSS)

‘NIGHT CROWS’ will be compatible with WEMIX3.0, Wemade’s omnichain networking strategy. This compatibility allows users of different blockchain networks to effortlessly interact with the game’s tokenomics. The introduction of the Streamer Supporting System (SSS) creates a transparent ecosystem where gamers, content creators and their supporters can thrive together.

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Wemade will present a demo version of ‘NIGHT CROWS’ at the Taipei Game Show 2024 to give players a first impression of the game’s features. Taking place from January 25 to 28 at the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, the event promises to provide attendees with an exciting gaming preview.

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