Yuga sells HV-MTL and Otherside to Faraway

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In a surprise announcement this week, Yuga Labs announced that HV-MTL and the Otherside brands have both been sold to Faraway. Faraway now owns the IPs and most of the associated NFT collections and promises to move forward with game development.

Starting with a fairly simple, web-based FPS, Faraway has managed to gain a foothold in the gaming scene. One that will surely grow even bigger as they integrate their newly acquired IPs, HV-MTL and the other side!

In addition to the IP transfer, we also see a personnel transfer. Spencer Tucker, Chief Gaming Officer for Yuga Labs, will now transition to Chief Product Officer for Faraway.

Does this mean Yuga Labs is moving away from web3 gaming? It’s hard to say for sure. But since Yuga hasn’t really done much with either game, this might be a good move for the player base in the long run. Faraway was already involved in the Yuga ecosystem. They designed and built the latest version of Dookey Dash and also started work on another game titled Mara: Rise.

And Faraway is off to a flying start, already announcing a number of additions to some of the NFTs in their associated collections. HV NFTs, as well as Kodas and Kodamara, will start receiving ‘points’. What these points will be used for has not yet been announced. And interestingly enough, the Koda collection remains under the Yuga Labs umbrella. Both Faraway and Yuga state that NFT interoperability is important to them. But we’ll have to wait and see where they go with that idea.

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As part of this transfer, Faraway now owns the following NFT collections: HV-MTL, Sewer Passes, Other Ships, Other Maras, Other Kodamaras, Other Ship Parts, Other Catalyst, Other Partner Loot.

You can read the official announcement from Yuga Labs here.

Kodamara merger

Plus, Yuga Labs just opened Kodamara merger for Otherside players, allowing them to develop their Mara using catalysts and sediment fragments.

Kodamara merger

What is far away?

Faraway is a web3 game development studio. They built Mini-Royale, a fast-paced, browser-based FPS game with NFT support on Solana. They also created Faraway Land, a base building game that allows players to create items for use in Mini-Royale. Faraway has also released maker tools that allow players to create custom skins and sell them through the Faraway Shop.

Faraway is also working with Yuga Labs to relaunch Dookey Dash and build Serum City, a virtual world for Mutant Ape owners. With their recent acquisition of HV-MTL and the Otherside, Faraway is now in a position to make a much bigger name for themselves!

Visit them for more information about Faraway websitefollow them further Tweet and join them Disagreement server.

Country far away

Phil Hall has been a gaming enthusiast since birth and a crypto enthusiast since 2017. He loves new discoveries and sharing them with others through blogging and photography. You can follow him on Twitter or read his other articles on Medium.

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