Heroes of Mavia launches Ruby Marketplace

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Heroes of Mavia launched their Ruby Marketplace this week, paving the way for trading and minting cosmetic skins right in the game! And while this marketplace is currently only available in-game and only accepts Ruby tokens as payment, the Heroes team has plans to build a web-based marketplace as well.

This week, a new feature rolled out to Heroes of Mavia, an in-game marketplace that allows players to trade NFTs and create new NFT skins! Known as the Ruby Marketplace, this in-game trading and coin hub brings a new feature to the game and a new use case for the Ruby token.

Ruby is an in-game token only. Players earn Ruby by battling other players. And now they can spend that Ruby on exclusive skins from the in-game store! Players must upgrade their headquarters building to level 4 before gaining access to the Ruby Marketplace.

The Ruby Marketplace launched with a limited edition of 36 different skins, one for each troop and building type in the game. These items feature the ‘SuperMavian’ color scheme and there are only 500 copies of each available. These skins can be equipped in-game to change the appearance of your buildings and troops.

All legendary items sold on the Ruby Marketplace are NFTs on the Base blockchain. Once purchased, items from the Ruby Marketplace can be traded with other players.

a few of the custom SuperMavian skins

This initial release is only available on mobile devices and players can only trade with Ruby tokens. However, in the near future there will also be a web-based version that allows trading with MAVIA tokens.

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What is Heroes of Mavia?

Heroes of Mavia is a free to play, mobile, base building, RTS game. Players build and improve bases, and battle other players to earn RUBY, the game’s main currency. The game features upgradeable NFTs in the form of Bases, Heroes and Statues. Bases are the core part of the game and every player needs one to play. Heroes and statues are optional, but both offer significant benefits to your team. Heroes help your army with attack and defense, while Statues boost base production. Additionally, players can upgrade their NFTs by spending RUBY tokens.

The game also features gold and oil resources. These are in-game only and are used for certain basic upgrades. Oil and gold are produced by bases and can also be stolen from other players during raids. And while the primary focus is on PvP, Heroes of Mavia also offers a long line of PvE missions to help players practice combat and gather additional resources.

Heroes of Mavia has incorporated rental mechanics into their game from the beginning. Base owners can choose to rent out their base to other players for passive income. This could be a fixed price rental system or a ‘partnership’. Partnerships function as a built-in grant system. The base owner lets the partner run and upgrade their base in exchange for a percentage of the RUBY income.

Hereos of Mavia was released in February 2024 and is available for both iOS and Android devices.

For more information about Heroes of Mavia, visit them websitefollow them further Tweetand join them Disagreement.

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