Axie Infinity introduces voting to the community with the Axie Score system

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Axie Infinity has unveiled the Axie Governance Portal and Axie Score, marking a new era of player participation in the evolution of the game. By linking and staking their Ronin wallets $AXS tokensPlayers can now directly influence in-game decision-making by voting on key proposals that impact the future direction of Axie Infinity.

Introducing the Axie score

A central part of this new governance model is the Axie Score, a points system that reflects community members’ contributions to the game. Essentially, the more value a community member brings to Axie Infinity, the higher their Axie Score. This score will change a community member’s staked $AXS to calculate their total voting power for decision-making.

The calculation of the Axie Score has been a topic of discussion within the community, focusing on what types of contributions to include and how to measure their value over time. To address these concerns, Sky Mavis and the Axie Infinity Town Builders formed an inaugural committee to refine the Axie Score design.

Source Axie Infinity

Four primary contribution categories

The first version of the Axie Score design includes four primary contribution categories: in-game achievements, contributions to the Treasury, community contributions, and Axie NFT holdings. Each category has specific badges that represent individual contributions, and the total Axie score is the sum of all badges earned in these categories. Overall, this system is intended to reflect a community member’s involvement and contributions to the ecosystem.

Voting and governance

The first use of the Axie Score will take place within the Axie Governance Portal, where voting rights will be changed. To ensure the legitimacy of the votes, community members must stake $AXS tokens to participate. The governance model also includes a quadratic modifier to prevent excessive influence from large owners and to value broader community input. “Stake to Vote: We want to maximize the legitimacy of all votes within the community,” the development team said.

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The first proposal, AIP-001, focuses on enabling enhanced delegation of Axie assets via a hard fork on the Ronin network. Voting for this proposal opens on May 20 and closes on May 27. To participate, users must stake their $AXS tokens before the snapshot at 1:00 AM UTC on May 20.

Community involvement and future developments

“We are proud of this community and we are grateful for the Town Builders, the Contributors, the Smart Contract Upgrade Committee and our fellow Axie Score Committee members,” said the development team. “This is a small but important step for Axie and gaming. Its full impact will only become clear over time.”

Finally, Sky Mavis and the Axie Infinity team have emphasized that this first release of the governance portal and Axie Score is just the beginning. They plan to continue refining these tools with community feedback to ensure a fair and engaging boarding experience for all players.

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