MetalCore is gearing up for $MCG Token Launch, arriving on June 28th

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What is $MCG Token?

The $MCG token will function as the primary currency within MetalCore’s ecosystem and enable customization of gameplay experiences. It is designed to facilitate transactions, reward player performance and support in-game economic activities.

In addition to $MCG, MetalCore includes three other primary currencies, each of which plays a different role in improving gameplay and player interaction: CREDITS, HYPERIUM, and SHARDS.

CREDITS will function as a soft currency for player progression and can be earned through gameplay, HYPERIUM will serve as a premium currency obtained by burning NFTs or can be purchased and used to mint and upgrade NFTs, and SHARDS will serve as a semi-premium currency for players to use. can purchase to craft rare items and level their account.

Key features of $MCG token

The introduction of $MCG brings several new features to the game:

  • Coins and power-ups: Players can use $MCG to purchase Hyperium or Shards, which can be used to mint and upgrade game items into NFTs
  • Access to resources: With the token, players will have access to better resources and capabilities, such as hiring reinforcements to unlock new assets
  • Consumables and repairs: $MCG can be used to purchase consumables and speed up repairs
  • Leaderboard Rewards: Starting June 27, MetalCore will launch its Leaderboard Rewards system, where the top 1,000 players will win a percentage of $MCG’s monthly rewards pool
MetalCore economics
MetalCore economics Source: MetalCore

Taps and sinks

In MetalCore, $MCG tokens can be obtained through Faucets and spent through Sinks.

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Taps reward players with $MCG to encourage immersion in the gameplay, while Sinks allow the spending of $MCG, including trading for SHARDS to upgrade various in-game assets such as weapons, vehicles and blueprints.

$MCG token delivery

MetalCore plans to distribute a total of 3 billion $MCG tokens, allocating them to different aspects of the ecosystem:

  • Ecosystem Fund: 409.1 million tokens (13.64%)
  • Community: 1,125 million tokens (37.50%)
  • Team: 414.9 million tokens (13.83%)
  • Private sales: 901 million tokens (30.03%)
  • Liquidity: 90 million tokens (3%)
  • Advisors: 60 million tokens (2%)

The game remains free to play and anyone with a beta access code can join with no initial fee, and pre-registration for closed beta access is still open.

Alternatively, players can purchase a Founders Pack for guaranteed beta access.

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