OneLand Metaverse Market Analysis: September 18-24

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Welcome to Metaverse Market Analysis! Every Monday we bring you the latest stats and data on the overall state of the Metaverse market. This column was created in collaboration with the incredible team at OneLand, a financial platform for virtual countries in the Metaverse. This week the OneLand Metaverse Market Analysis statistics for September 18-24 are available.

Stake your TheSandbox LAND and earn 2.3%* APY. Stake your $SAND and earn 6.73%* APY (*25-09-2023)

7D data shows that the total land market capitalization of the ten projects listed on OneLand fell by 4.02% to 660,635 ETH (or -6.52% to $1.04 billion). Total NFT cap fell 6.92% to 2.69 million ETH, while $ETH fell 2.61% for the week to $1,580.75.

OneLand Metaverse market analysis September 18-24
Meta Rankings – Land Market Capitalization [7D]

Looking at Decentraland, which saw another 7D LANDs drop (-15.47%), the LANDs cap crashed to 140,000 ETH, with trading activity being slow lately and only 7 sales in the past week for a meager volume of 3.5 ETH (-60.1%).

7D Otherdeed’s revenue (+71.4% to 156) and volume (+51.9% to 131.31 ETH) for Otherside once again topped 100 and 100 ETH (both of which they undershot the week before).

OneLand Metaverse market analysis September 18-24
Meta Rankings – Trading Volume [7D]

It happened just as Yuga Labs was strengthening partnerships in an effort to “drive development” and the AIP-304 approved ApeCoin DAO investment in $11 million worth of Yuga assets worth APE. $APE continues to decline, dropping another 0.78% last week to 1.10530 ETH, about half of what it was three months ago.

Over the past 30D, Otherside’s sales volume has fallen by 20% and trading volume by 47.7%, while Otherdeeds’ limit has fallen by 4.29% to 326,358 ETH.

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Meanwhile, Voxels witnessed its most active trading week since the same time last month (7D volume +530%), with 4 sales on Monday resulting in the highest daily volume in over a month. 30D volume is still down 39.6%.

OneLand Metaverse market analysis September 18-24
Voxels – Trading Plots [30D]

Now that a date has been set for BYORacer’s launch in early October, there is some excitement in the air among the BYOPills community. BYOLands’ weekend sales spike extended into Monday and Tuesday, clocking in at 400+ for two weeks.

OneLand Metaverse market analysis September 18-24
BYOLands in the BYOverse – Sales and Transfers (7D)

Somnium Space also saw a weekly trading increase of 13 packs (+333%) in moving wallets and a 7D volume increase of 230.5%.

Meanwhile, condo purchases at Worldwide Webb declined as excitement over the 3 weeks of Rugbusterz Rumbles waned, 7D’s revenue and volume declined 82.6% and 94.4% respectively, while the total country cap fell within 10 -11k ETH zone stuck.

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OneLand is a one-stop MetaHub – offering Metaverse data and analytics, Land NFT marketplace, LandFi tools, and Metaverse MediaHub. Our mission is to make it easy to discover, access, stay informed, research, and invest in the metaverse projects you love most.

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*All investment/financial opinions expressed by NFT Plazas are from the personal research and experience of our site moderators and are intended as educational materials only. Individuals are required to fully research any product before making any form of investment.

See also  Yuga Labs acquires Roar Studios for its interoperable Metaverse

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