Art, Racing and Blockchain: ArtOnBlockchain and ArtOnInternet’s Velocity Series and Remix Competition | | NFT News |

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A groundbreaking collaboration

Art and technology continue to collide in unprecedented ways, and ArtOnBlockchain’s Velocity Series embodies this union. In collaboration with Red Bull Racing and Bybit, this latest collection is a fusion of artistic genius and cutting-edge blockchain technology. But that’s not all: ArtOnInternet offers both artists and fans an exciting opportunity to participate in a remix competition: the #VelocityRemix.

The Remix Contest: Make Your Mark

ArtOnInternet is organizing a competition where artists are invited to remix a sketch from the Velocity Series. Participants receive a sketch to unleash their creativity and create a unique remix. But remember: you have until Monday 23, 00:00 UTC to tweet your masterpiece. Don’t forget to add the hashtag #VelocityRemix and tag @redbullracing, @Bybit_official and @artoninternet.

The prices

The stakes are high and the prizes are worth it. Four winners will receive a Velocity Pass that will give them a free coin from the upcoming ArtOnBlockchain drop. It’s not just an opportunity to win; it’s an opportunity to be part of an innovative art series.

The jury

Participants will have their artwork judged by a panel of esteemed judges, including representatives from ArtOnBlockchain, ArtOnInternet and other key figures from the art and technology sector: @perkwerk_ and @RikOostenbroek.

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More than digital art: a multi-dimensional project

What sets this project apart is its groundbreaking approach to digital art creation. The Velocity series is not only visually stunning, but also designed to be embroidered. The series represents a sense of speed through algorithmic design, tailored to a 15-thread embroidery machine. Each piece is a unique embroidery file, capable of producing a variety of physical goods, from clothing to racing memorabilia.

A new paradigm in production

The Velocity Series disrupts the traditional art creation process by integrating generative algorithms. The embroidery machine does not need to be reconfigured between runs. An algorithm generates a machine-compatible file at the time it is created, eliminating human subjectivity in the digitization process. This approach offers a new form of micro-branding that connects the digital and physical worlds.

A win for the Web3 ecosystem

One of the most exciting aspects of this project is its potential to attract new people to the Web3 ecosystem. The digital artwork you receive is not just for viewing online; you can also have it embroidered on a physical object such as a hat, bridging the gap between the digital and physical worlds.

Acknowledgments and Future Efforts

ArtOnInternet and ArtOnBlockchain expressed their gratitude to several contributors who made this project possible, including technology platforms such as @iyk_app and @artblocks_io. They also expressed their excitement for future collaborations, pointing to new platforms like @stitchablesio that could soon embrace this innovative form of art creation.

A final call to artists

If you haven’t entered the #VelocityRemix contest yet, there’s still time. Be part of this revolutionary project that celebrates art, speed and the promise of blockchain technology.

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ArtOnBlockchain, in collaboration with Red Bull Racing and Bybit, has launched the Velocity Series, an innovative digital art collection that can also be embroidered. ArtOnInternet organizes the #VelocityRemix competition, where artists have the chance to remix a sketch from the collection and win a free coin. The project is not only a marriage of art and technology, but also a new way to introduce new audiences to the world of blockchain and NFTs.

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