A look ahead to 2024

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As we say goodbye to 2023, it’s time again for our annual look at the year ahead. And while no one can really predict the future, there are few trends in web3 gaming that we think will become increasingly important in 2024!

2023 was a big year for web3 gaming, but 2024 is likely to be even bigger! Here are a few trends that we expect to evolve even more in 2024.

Mobile gaming

Mobile gaming is already starting to dominate the web3 gaming world – at least in terms of active user numbers. And that includes a wide variety of projects. From the walk to earn Sweat Economy, to gaming platforms like PlayEmber, to standalone games like MotoDex and Benji Bananas.

Not only will there be more mobile games hitting the web3 markets this year, but we will also see a continued increase in mobile focus for desktop games as they try to capture a share of this very large and potentially lucrative player base.

Expect the quality of mobile games to increase as well, with projects like Heroes of Mavia, Rogue Nation and Fableborne all aimed at creating high-quality mobile gaming experiences!

Web2/Web3 crossovers

We’ve seen a number of games like this before. There are some cases where the developers have built separate applications for web2 and web3 players. But the trend seems to be going in a different direction. Many games now build their core functionality with web2 gamers in mind, hiding or hiding blockchain aspects. This should help attract new players, but also appeal to NFT owners and play to earn gamers.

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Additionally, we will see an increased presence of traditional web2 gaming companies in the web3 space. Zynga is already making big steps with Sugartown and Ubisoft is developing its own web3 game called Champions Tactics.

Founder of NFTs

And then we have NFTs. Specifically, gaming NFTs. And even more specifically: NFTs at the founder level. These are generally limited edition NFTs sold at the beginning of a game’s development to create some buzz around the project and generate some initial revenue for the team.

Founder NFTs often come with promises of airdrops, whitelists for future mints, special early access to the game, and other benefits along those lines. Many of them are already doing well when it comes to retaining value. But as we move into 2024 and some of these games start to come online, the developer teams are starting to hand out rewards to the founders of the NFTs, and sometimes even trying to find additional ways to add value to these NFTs! I think 2024 will be the year we see the real value of these NFTs rise, especially with projects that deliver on their promises.

Integrations between apps

Cross-app integration has always been one of those cool features of NFTs that hasn’t seen much attention in terms of actual implementation. But we’re starting to see a little more with Pixels allowing players to use avatars from a number of different PFP projects in the game, and the Alien Worlds Syndicates funding third-party development, many of which interact with the Alien Worlds NFTs in some way .

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And personally, I think a lot of big brands are missing a huge opportunity here. Imagine if, instead of just having that Hot Wheels NFT in your collection, you could drive it in racing games like Revv Racer? Or in open worlds like Mega World Or Upland or SinVerse? That would be pretty cool!

This is one of the powers and advantages that an NFT has over regular digital items, and we really haven’t seen it used all that much. Perhaps traditional gaming companies are overprotecting their IPs. But if they remain stagnant, others will come in and fill that void!

a Moca in Pixels

2024 Ahoy!

But whatever happens with web3 gaming in 2024, we’re here to keep you up to date with the latest news in web3 gaming and we look forward to sharing it with you!

Phil Hall has been a gaming enthusiast since birth and a crypto enthusiast since 2017. He loves new discoveries and sharing them with others through blogging and photography. You can follow him on Twitter or read his other articles on Medium.

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