A new dawn for creators: Limit Break’s CAPS revolutionizes royalties in Web3 | | NFT News |

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In the ever-evolving landscape of digital creation, Limit Break’s recent breakthrough is nothing short of revolutionary, promising to redefine the standards for royalty distribution and security within the Web3 ecosystem. These exciting advancements will empower creators like never before and ensure their innovative work is protected and rewarded in ways previously thought impossible.

Understanding the challenge

For years, makers using protocols such as ERC721 and ERC1155 have faced significant vulnerabilities. These protocols, while foundational to the NFT space, lacked critical defenses against covert protocol abuse by Web2 exchanges. This gap has not only resulted in lost royalty revenue for creators, but has also stifled innovation by exposing them to the predatory practices of hostile exchanges and malicious applications.

Limit Break’s groundbreaking solution: CAPS

Introducing Limit Break’s Creator Advanced Protection Suite (CAPS), a beacon of hope for creators worldwide. CAPS is an open-source defense system designed to combat these challenges head-on, with three core components that collectively strengthen creators’ control over their work and monetization:

  1. Creator Token Standards: The introduction of version 2 of the Creator Token Standard marks a significant upgrade, with nine levels of security tailored to the unique needs of a project. This enhanced standard not only protects NFTs from royalty-dodging marketplaces, but also extends the protective reach to ERC20 tokens with ERC20-C, protecting the in-game currency of Web3 games.
  2. Payment processor: A revolutionary tool that gives makers unprecedented control over prices. The updated version 2 allows creators to blacklist or whitelist currencies, enforce price restrictions, and even share royalties with marketplaces to gain visibility: a true win-win solution.
  3. Reliable forwarder: This section addresses the critical need for transparency and security in trade attribution and the interactions between protocols and applications. It ensures that transactions can be accurately attributed to their sources, increasing the reliability and efficiency of market analysis.
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Empower creators than ever before

Limit Break’s CAPS is not just a technical solution; it’s a paradigm shift in the way creators interact with the digital marketplace. By providing tools for enhanced security, price control, and visibility, CAPS empowers creators to safeguard their royalties, foster innovation, and get the recognition they deserve. This suite of tools also includes features such as Trusted Channels, which allow customization of the NFT trading environment, increasing branding opportunities and user engagement.

Additionally, the easy-to-use packaging for legacy collections ensures that creators can easily upgrade their existing tokens to enjoy these new benefits, ensuring no one is left behind in this new era of digital creation.


Limit Break’s Creator Advanced Protection Suite (CAPS) is a breakthrough solution designed to protect creator royalties and innovation in the Web3 space. With enhanced security standards, price control, and trade attribution, CAPS promises to provide creators with the tools they need to thrive in the digital economy.

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