AI is the missing piece of the DAO puzzle

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  • ICYMI:DAOs are virtually automated Go Fund Me campaigns, using crypto instead of cash.

  • The complex decision-making required to run a fully automated DAO may be too much of a task for plain old smart contract code…but AI just might bring the vision to life.

  • All the arbitrary decision-making, external communication and organization usually left to humans could be filled by AI (at least that’s the dream).

  • This means you could ask an AI to do the grunt work. E.g. ‘open a local gym on behalf of the DAOs’ – it then organizes the real estate, equipment, hired help to set up etc.

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ICYMI:DAOs are virtually automated Go Fund Me campaigns, using crypto instead of cash.

The creators decide on a goal (eg Buy the Constitution), set a funding goal, and once it’s reached, the computer code that runs the DAO automatically deploys the money.

So all you have to do is put in your money, sit back and relax while a smart contract executes your vision.

…at least, that’s the idea.

In reality, it takes a lot of human management to keep a DAO running smoothly.

But ‘set and forget’ DAOs may still be possible (and it was This article from Illia Polosukhin that made it all click).

The complex decision-making required to run a fully automated DAO may be too much of an assignment for plain old smart contract code.

…but AI may be able to bring the vision to life.

The smart contracts that manage a DAO’s payments and voting would remain the same – while all the arbitrary decision-making, external communication, and organization usually left to humans would be fulfilled by AI (at least that’s the dream).

See also  Building an NFT Series Using AI (Part 7)

Here’s the “perfect world” end result, in a real world context:

Let’s say you want to launch a local gym in your city, so you create a DAO and spread the good word in the city, causing people to invest.

Once funding requirements are met, turn on the AI ​​and let it get to work – meaning:

  • It negotiates a good price on a centrally located property

  • Researches and takes out the necessary insurance policies

  • Analyzes the usable floor space of the property

  • Optimizes equipment layout

  • Buy the equipment

  • Hire someone to come and set everything up

  • Sends an invitation to the grand opening, etc.

Helluva concept, right?

It feels out of reach right now – but exponential technologies have a strange habit of feeling years away, until they’re in our hands.

We harp on it quite a bit here, but it’s worth repeating:

All this hype and advancement around AI is not a threat to blockchain technology – it’s an added value!

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