Collect Ethereum and reap Rainbow Wallet rewards

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In the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies Rainbow is emerging as a unique wallet that not only simplifies crypto journeys but also rewards individuals for their on-chain activities related to Ethereum.

By introducing a rewards system that celebrates individuality and engagement in the Ethereum ecosystem, Rainbow is innovating the way users interact with crypto. The process is simple: collect Ethereum and earn Rainbow Points to unlock rewards. Yes, it really is that simple.

Dive into the rewarding experience of Rainbow

The great thing about Rainbow is its inclusivity. Users who have Ethereum with a wallet already have points waiting for them. To receive them, users must download the Rainbow extension from their browser or the Rainbow Mobile app for on-the-go access.

Rainbow’s points system rewards numerous activities:

  • Exchange assets: Earn points by using Rainbow’s trading feature.
  • Bridging assets: Points are awarded for using Rainbow’s chain bridge.
  • Refer new users: Invite friends to join Rainbow and earn more points.
  • Collect and hold: Collect points by holding assets.
  • Coins in app: Get involved in app-based coins and trading.
  • Partner Rewards: Be aware of upcoming affiliate rewards.

Interested? Please keep in mind that yousers who are committed to using the platform or own Rainbow NFTs are eligible for additional points. And those who switch from MetaMask to Rainbow – especially if they use MetaMask’s trading feature – can earn up to 150,000 additional points.

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To stay on top of Rainbow, the platform keeps its community informed through its social media channels, where it announces points drops based on on-chain activity. It distributes points every Tuesday at 4:20 PM (ET), ensuring a regular influx of rewards for active users.

Rainbow Points are just the beginning. This innovative approach to rewarding users will expand, bringing even more fun and engagement to the Rainbow community. As more points are collected, more exciting opportunities and experiences are unlocked. So start earning while enjoying the vast possibilities of Ethereum.

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