European legal authorities express their concerns about privacy coins, Layer-2 networks and crypto mixers

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The EU Innovation Hub for Internal Security has released its first comprehensive report on encryption, with a significant focus on crypto-related issues.

The report, a collaboration between Europol, Eurojust and other EU agencies, examines how cryptocurrencies are impacting law enforcement efforts.

It highlights the significant gaps in law enforcement’s ability to detect and recover illicit digital assets moved through decentralized methods such as privacy coins, layer 2 networks and crypto mixers.

Crypto and law enforcement

According to the report, cryptocurrencies, which rely heavily on public-private key cryptography, pose unique challenges and opportunities for law enforcement.

The report outlines how cryptocurrencies are increasingly being used to launder criminal proceeds, complicating efforts to track illicit funds. The rise of privacy-enhancing technologies such as zero-knowledge proofs (ZKP) and Layer-2 (L2) networks could further obscure the origins and movements of these funds.

The report states that law enforcement can currently only recover funds moved through custodial wallets – where users do not have their own private keys – by working with exchanges and service providers to seize cryptocurrencies suspected of criminal activity.

This collaboration is critical given the stringent user identification (know-your-customer, or KYC) measures imposed by anti-money laundering regulations. However, illicit funds sent through decentralized wallets and addresses remain beyond the reach of law enforcement due to the enhanced privacy these technologies provide.

Technological advancement and data misappropriation

The report highlighted several improvements that make tracking crypto transactions more difficult. Privacy coins like Monero obscure transaction details and present significant tracking problems, despite being less popular than Bitcoin among criminals.

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Meanwhile, cryptocurrencies such as Dash and Litecoin offer optional encryption features that increase transaction obfuscation. Mimblewimble, a protocol used by Grin and Beam, hides transaction data and uses aggregated authentication techniques.

ZKPs, used by currencies like Zcash and mixing services like Tornado Cash, verify transactions without revealing details, which poses significant tracking issues.

Additionally, L2 solutions such as the Lightning Network for Bitcoin create payment channels that do not broadcast all transactions to the blockchain, complicating law enforcement tracking efforts.

Future steps

The report noted the dire need for law enforcement to keep pace with technological developments, emphasizing that access to suspects’ private keys is critical to overcoming encryption challenges.

The report also urged government agencies to improve technical capabilities and promote closer cooperation with crypto exchanges and custodial wallet providers, which are essential for effectively tackling the misuse of digital assets for criminal purposes.

The report called for continued research into “user-controlled” encryption and its impact on digital forensics and decryption capabilities. It also highlighted the potential of quantum computing to revolutionize cryptographic protocols and said EU funding schemes are crucial to supporting research projects to tackle these challenges.

The report urged policymakers to prioritize funding to increase law enforcement’s ability to combat the misuse of cryptocurrencies.

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