Exchange Life Beyond Key for Founder’s Watch

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If you have a Life Beyond Founder Key NFT, you’ll want to read this article and then convert your key into a new NFT known as a Founder Watch. This Watch NFT will inherit all of Key’s utilities and be the NFT that moves forward.

Changes are coming to the Life Beyond NFT collection. Mainly in the form of a new NFT known as the Founder Watch. This watch will replace the current Founder Key NFTs. Anyone who owns one or more Founder Keys can go to the Life Beyond website and purchase their watch(s) now.

This change comes because the Life Beyond team wants to use the ERC721 standard for their Founder NFTs instead of the ERC1155 standard.

The mint and burn page is available on the Life Beyond website and uses the Polygon blockchain, so the cost is just a few cents. Each Founder Watch is unique and the number is engraved into the NFT image.

This is a temporary mint and burn window! If you do not exchange your Founder Key for a Founder Watch, the Key loses all usefulness and becomes merely a potential collectible. We don’t know the exact date for this cutoff point, but we do know if it will be sometime after the release of the DOLOS token.

Additionally, anyone with a Founder Watch will be eligible to receive a reward when the DOLOS token launches. The Life Beyond team says they will have plenty of notice before the coin window closes. But there’s no real reason to wait. Go to the Website of Leven Voorbij now to get started!

What is the difference between ERC-721 and ERC-1155?

Both ERC-721 and ERC-1155 are standards for creating and managing tokens. NFTs in particular.

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ERC-721 is the main standard used for NFT generation on the Ethereum network. Proposed by the CryptoKitties team in 2017, ERC-721 became the de facto standard for most NFT collections. This standard allowed for the creation of completely unique NFTs and the ability to track their transaction history, creating a verifiable chain of ownership.

But there were some limitations with ERC-721. Especially the inability to transfer more than one NFT at a time. And so ERC-115 was developed by the team behind the Enjin project. ERC-1155 enables bulk transfers, supports the creation of semi-fungible tokens, and adds the ability to undo erroneous transactions.

How all of this will translate into an improved Founder’s NFT still remains unclear. Perhaps the Life Beyond team will update us with more details in the near future.

What is life out there?

Life Beyond is a free-to-play, play-and-earn FPS-style MMORPG with a third-person perspective. In Life Beyond, players are citizens of the Dolos Planet, an alien world orbiting a distant star. During the first alpha, players worked to clear and defend land for the first settlement. Along the way, they encountered a variety of hostile wildlife, many of which resembled giant, alien cockroaches!

The game follows lore, with the reasoning for events outside the game (such as server closures) written as part of the storyline. Players take on solo or group missions for experience and rewards. But while they do this, they also contribute to larger community goals that bring new events and prizes. Players build the game world as the game progresses, clearing areas to establish colonies.

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Players can choose from four classes, each with a different weapon selection. Try them out on solo missions or sign up for group missions to receive bigger rewards.

Life Beyond is currently between alpha stages, although they regularly release development updates and sneak peeks in their Discord chat.

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Phil Hall has been a gaming enthusiast since birth and a crypto enthusiast since 2017. He loves new discoveries and sharing them with others through blogging and photography. You can follow him on Twitter or read his other articles on Medium.

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