Exclusive interview with Agoric, Director of Developer Relations

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In the rapidly evolving world of blockchain and decentralized applications, Agoric stands out as a beacon for developers who want to make the transition from Web2 to Web3. But what exactly is Agoric, and why is it making waves in the developer community? In this exclusive interview with Diego Lizarazo, director of developer relations at Agoric, we dive deep into the heart of Agoric, the recently launched component library, and the vast possibilities that await Web2 developers in the Web3 world.

What is Agorian?

Agorian is a layer 1 Proof-of-Stake (PoS) public blockchain and a smart contract platform that provides a more secure, trusted platform for accelerated development and deployment of decentralized applications. Agoric enables more than 14 million JavaScript developers to pioneer Web3.

The Agoric Component library was recently launched. What is it and what is the main purpose of the library?

We created the Component Library to address the Web3 developer community’s ongoing need for rich, reusable, open-source components to help accelerate application development. The goal of this library is to create a one-stop shop that contains everything a developer needs to start compiling code on the interchain, including an introduction to Web3 programming, in-depth guides, and tutorials. Developers with previous JavaScript knowledge will learn Agoric’s Hardened JavaScript framework straightforward. Within the library, developers can access useful resources such as a lending protocol, an LP stop loss contract, smart contracts for cross-chain interaction, NFT drop and auction mechanisms, and a management committee on the chain.

Why is there such a disconnect between the Web2 developer community and the Web3 developer community?

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There is a big difference. According to Electric Capital’s Developer Report, there were 21,000 monthly active crypto developers in 2022, compared to outstanding 14 million monthly active JavaScript developers working in Web2. Another major issue facing the industry is interoperability, or the ability of different blockchain networks to communicate. Currently the interchain consists of about 60 zones actively connected by the Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol (IBC), and they all have their users, applications and economies. However, for Cosmos To become the Internet of Blockchains, applications built on the interchain must work together. Building an application that takes action across multiple blockchains requires highly programmable smart contracts that handle asynchronous execution. Agoric designed the component library to equip developers with plug-and-play resources to start building and encourage more developers to enter the Web3 space.

Why should Web2 developers consider joining Web3? What opportunities lie here?

The realm of Web3 is exciting for traditional Web2 developers to explore without the limitations and saturation of the vast number of developers already active in Web2. An emerging space with great potential for career growth. Developers can work in a number of new innovative spaces, including decentralized finance, interoperability and cross-chain interaction, and smart contracts.

Agoric is well positioned to provide Web2 developers with an ideal starting point for their Web3 journey, as the library provides developers with plug-and-play resources to immediately start building and participating in new capabilities. However, onboarding Web2 developers requires speaking to them in a language they can understand. Initiating a dialogue is crucial to achieving this. The Component Library aims to invest time and resources into this Web2 developer audience so they can join the Web3 community and start transferring their skills and building. This ongoing support is crucial in the onboarding process as developers navigate a new and complex space.

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Where can developers learn more about this?

Agoric is committed to supporting developers who want to learn more about Web3. We set up regularly office hours for developers (Wednesday at 9am PT / 4pm UTC) and provide hands-on technical support through our Disagreement channel. In addition, Agoric collaborates with Chainboard Academy to organize bootcamps, which include a mentoring focus and peer-to-peer learning to enable developers to build, test and deploy their dApps on the Agoric chain. To learn more, join the community of developers building apps for the interchain on our home page of the component library.

Image source: Shutterstock

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