Fight and create in life beyond Early Access Preview

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Life Beyond is back with an early access preview for those with Founder’s Watches NFTs in their wallets. And while the game is limited and somewhat basic at this point, the gameplay is generally smooth and we also get our first look at the open world of Dolos.!

This early access preview takes us to a new point in Life Beyond’s space-time continuum. After initially exploring the world during alpha in July 2022, Life Beyond has conducted a number of alpha playtests. But never before with an open world concept!

After losing our planetary base during a major conflict, we’re back, having apparently crash-landed on the planet (I couldn’t find an explanation as to how this happened). Now players wake up from cryo-sleep, learn to navigate the hostile environment and are tasked with helping our people settle on this alien planet.

Only those with Founder’s Watches (current floor approx about $530 on the open sea) currently has access to the game. Although I expect this to be accessible to a larger group of players soon.

More about the early access preview

This preview is currently somewhat limited. A series of tutorial missions will guide you through the basics of harvesting and crafting. Players are also tasked with exploring the crater we landed in. Along the way, players can upgrade their weapons, battle creatures, harvest, craft, and complete missions, all in an open world MMO environment with a day and night cycle. Not bad for a starting point! And it’s important to remember that we’re only in the early alpha stages of the game.

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But this gives us our first taste of the MMO world. Previous Life Beyond playthroughs have involved instance adventures, although it also supported multiplayer.

In a recent AMA, the Life Beyond team revealed that some of the game development will be guided by community quests. For example, players can upgrade their basic weapons from the start. But to gain access to Tier 2 weapons, the player base will have to complete a large community mission to get the manufacturing machine up and running (or something like that). Not only does this help build a community and give the player base a shared goal, but it also gives the development team the space to steadily release new features and updates to the game.

No rewards have been announced for participating in this playtest. And expect all progress to be reversed in the near future as well. But it’s a chance to get a feel for what the open-world gameplay will be like. And a chance to find bugs and issues and report them to the team!

Download the game directly from the Life Beyond website.

Life beyond early access gameplay

What is life afterward?

Life Beyond is a free-to-play, play-and-earn FPS-style MMORPG with a third-person perspective. In Life Beyond, players are citizens of the Dolos Planet, an alien world orbiting a distant star. The colonists were sent to build a new society on the planet and discovered that the planet was infested with hostile wildlife. Now the players must work to secure a place for humans in this alien landscape!

The gameplay follows the lore, with the reasoning for events outside the game (such as server closures) written as part of the storyline.

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Players venture into the world to battle creatures and gather resources. Not only for themselves, but also to help complete community missions, larger quests that will open up new features and gameplay.

Life Beyond is currently in alpha testing, opening game servers on an irregular basis for special events. They are also working on creating a token called BILF, a “social consensus layer” token that connects to the Bitcoin network.

Visit them for more information about Life Beyond websitefollow them further Tweetand join them Disagreement.

fauna development in Life Beyond

Phil Hall has been a gaming enthusiast since birth and a crypto enthusiast since 2017. He loves new discoveries and sharing them with others through blogging and photography. You can follow him on Twitter or read his other articles on Medium.

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