Free Mint for The Awakening from Morra Games

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A new, free NFT coin is on its way! Dubbed ‘The Awakening’, this dynamic NFT series of Morra games allows players to customize their NFTs as they build towards reaching the Genesis level.

Officially titled Mora: The Awakening, this NFT collection features three tiers: Mystical Runes, Enchantments, and Genesis. Players start with mystical runes and try to work their way up to a Genesis NFT.

Everything starts with the Runes. Mystical runes function as an unlocking mechanism for enchantments. Users who use Runes to unlock the enchantment layer will receive a random enchantment NFT.

Enchantments for 'The Awakening'
some enchantments for ‘The Awakening’

Enchantments, in turn, are used to upgrade to the Genesis tier. This requires ten specific enchantments that burn when used. Enchantments also provide access to Morra Games’ alpha tests, enable participation in governance efforts, unlock token-gated channels, and ensure a guaranteed whitelist spot for future Morra Games drops.

Once an Awakened NFT reaches Genesis level, they become playable characters, with on-chain upgrades earned through gameplay. We have no details on how these Genesis NFTs will work in the game, and they may not be playable as such. The official explanation is that Genesis will have NFTs “direct applicability in Morra Games titles.” Hopefully we will have more details on that soon.

Morra Games wants to create a free-to-use ecosystem for these NFTs while rewarding engaged members of their community. In fact, the first step has already begun with one Diligent search! Everyone who participates will receive five Mystic Runes and the top 1000 will also receive three extra Runes! The Zealy quest involves interacting with Twitter and Discord. There will likely be other social engagement contests in the future.

What is Morra Games?

Morra Games is a game development company that originally started out as the team behind Metalands, a Battle Royale style FPS featuring both PvE and PvP on the same battlefield. After months of silence, they founded Morra Games, renamed their Discord and relaunched their game development.

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Metalands, their FPS game, has been renamed Karnak Legacy. Not only does Karnak Legacy have a rather unique Egyptian theme, but it also offers opportunities for crafting and skill customization. In addition, Morra Games is developing a game called Mythya. Mythya is a base building game with PvP and PvE, similar to League of Kingdoms.

Morra Games is taking a mobile-first route for their games, though they haven’t ruled out releasing PC versions as well.

Visit them for more information on Morra Games, Karnak Legacy and Mythya websitefollow them up Twitterand join them Disagreement.

You can also follow the game specific Twitter accounts Myth And Karnak legacy.

Phil Hall has been a game enthusiast since birth and a crypto enthusiast since 2017. He enjoys new discoveries and sharing them with others through blogging and photography. You can follow him on Twitter or read his other articles on Medium.

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