Gaming-focused Ethereum (ETH) sidechain Ronin integrates Binance Pay to enable easier wallet funding

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A gaming-focused Ethereum (ETH) sidechain integrates with Binance Pay to make funding wallets easier for consumers.

In a new blog post, Ethereum sidechain Ronin (RON) says it is partnering with the world’s largest crypto exchange by volume to make it easier to fund the Ronin crypto wallet.

According to Ronin, Binance Pay was chosen because it has a mechanism that allows traders to access their funds on Binance and use them outside of the crypto exchange.

“Over the past few weeks, we’ve seen one question pop up again and again: ‘How can I pass my money on to Ronin?’ While the Ethereum Bridge and our partners at Ramp are a great place to start, today we’re introducing a new onboarding partner to the Ronin ecosystem: Binance Pay.

As Axie Classic DAU (daily active users) grows and Pixels takes the world by storm, this is a great opportunity to tell your family and friends that it has never been easier to fund their first Ronin wallet.”

Launched in 2021 by Sky Mavis, the company responsible for the decentralized gaming protocol Axie Infinity (AXS), Ronin was created as a scaling solution that could accommodate millions of daily users.

However, the protocol was exploited in March 2022 to the tune of 173,600 ETH and 25.5 million USDC, worth $600 million at the time, by the Lazarus Group, a hacking outfit linked to the North Korean government.

In February, Norwegian authorities seized nearly $6 million in digital assets stolen in the attack – the largest amount of cryptocurrency seized by Norwegian police at the time.

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RON is trading at $1.09 at the time of writing, up 2.77% over the last 24 hours.

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