How decentralized payments are a gateway to economic development

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The following is a guest post from Alexander Mamasidikov, the CEO of CrossFi.

The world of financial transactions is transforming, driven by the rise of Web3 payments solutions. Although this evolution is visible worldwide, it is particularly noteworthy that developing countries are leading this change.

This proactive approach reflects the agility and adaptability of these economies and positions them at the forefront of financial innovation. From revolutionizing decentralized money transfers to democratizing payment instruments, the rise of Web3 payments in the developing world heralds a massive shift in the way we perceive and interact with financial transactions.

As they navigate the uncharted waters of DeFi, these countries are poised to overtake established economies like the United States, ushering in a new era of dynamic global economics.

The shift in cash transfers

Developing countries have long struggled with the challenges of expensive and inefficient economic systems in terms of financial inclusion. Traditional methods often entail high transfer costs of more than 10% or morelong processing times for cross-border payments of up to five working days, and limited accessibility for the unbanked, who often have no permanent address, government identification papers or regular income.

All of this, of course, disproportionately affects disadvantaged communities the most. Yet the rise of Web3 technologies is changing this landscape and offering a lifeline to those previously excluded from the TradFi ecosystem.

One of the most important consequences of everyday use of Web3 payments in developing countries is the revolution in the way money transfers work on a macro and micro scale. Whether it’s buying a meal, paying rent, or sending money across borders, this transformation not only streamlines the process of sending and receiving money, but also reduces dependence on middlemen, eliminating all the associated bank-related KYC standards and delays are reduced.

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Encouragingly, the ability to use crypto payments is good for business owners, as companies that embraced cryptocurrency payments achieved an average return on investment (ROI) of 327% and witnessed up to a 40% increase in business acquisitions new customers.

Over the world, we are witnessing compelling examples of successful Web3-based cash transfer implementations in developing economies such as Brazil. From P2P crypto swaps to DeFi protocols that facilitate cross-border transactions, these platforms offer unprecedented transparency and security, re-instilling trust in previously suspect financial systems.

Indeed, the shift to Web3 payments holds enormous promise for the developing world. By breaking down barriers to financial access and promoting greater financial inclusion, these innovations pave the way for economic empowerment and resilience. As developing countries embrace the transformative potential of Web3 payments, they are not only bridging the gap with their developed counterparts but also emerging as pioneers in the ongoing evolution of global finance.

Leveraging Web3 payments for inclusive global prosperity

The rapid adoption of Web3 payments in developing countries is being driven by a convergence of economic, regulatory and grassroots factors, each contributing to the acceleration of this trend. At the same time, the implications of this adoption extend far beyond the borders of these countries, reshaping trends in the global economy and finance.

Adopting Web3 payments in developing countries is not just a matter of convenience, but a response to urgent economic and social imperatives. In countries plagued by hyperinflation, such as Venezuela and Argentina, where traditional currencies have failed, cryptocurrencies offer a lifeline: they provide a stable store of value and a hedge against economic volatility.

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Similarly, concerns around financial freedom and government overreach are driving adoption in regions like Afghanistan, where the ability to freeze assets can have serious consequences, especially for marginalized groups such as women.

The regulatory environment in many developing countries is increasingly conducive to the adoption of Web3 technologies because there is such an acute need for alternative solutions.

Recently, South Africa’s FSCA has clarified cryptocurrency regulations, which led to formalization efforts. Members of the recognize the potential benefits of crypto African Union many regions continue to take proactive steps to create frameworks that support innovation and investment in space.

By providing clarity and regulatory certainty, these initiatives encourage the development of a vibrant ecosystem of Web3 solutions, further driving adoption and driving economic development.

Grassroots movements and entrepreneurial initiatives where non-crypto-native people continue to adopt Web3 solutions are playing an increasingly critical role in driving the adoption of Web3 payments worldwide. From community-driven projects to innovative startups, these initiatives demonstrate the bottom-up demand for alternative financial solutions that meet the unique needs and challenges faced by individuals and businesses in developing countries.

Grassroots crypto adoption continues to rise in lower-middle-income (LMI) countries, with their overall adoption surpassing pre-bull market levels as of Q3 2020.

It’s worth knowing that 40% of the world’s population lives in LMI countries, higher than any other income category. As these grassroots movements grow, they are leading the storm into a new era of global Web3 adoption. Get ready, because the revolution has only just begun and the whole world is starting to take notice.

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