How to take advantage of Reddit communities

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  • Here’s how crypto can be used to funnel some of that value back into the core user base of the likes of Fortnite (the video game your nephew is obsessed with).

  • Let’s say these users come together in a common online forum, where they share tips, tricks and insights about the game. Let’s say that place is Reddit.

  • Imagine if they collectively decided to launch their own crypto token (call it $BRICK) – and use it as a way to reward those most engaged within the community.

  • What could happen if a major crypto exchange like, idk, Kraken (?) listed $BRICK on its platform? Value (money) would likely flow from into the token.

  • Value that would largely go to early holders of the $BRICK token. That is, the diehard Fortnite players/community members

  • …Good. This is not a hypothesis. That all really happened.

Full story

To a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

And for crypto nerds, tokenization is the solution to every problem.

But that’s stupid. A crypto token for everything??

(Why does my dry cleaner need its own custom crypto token when I can just pay cash?)

The point is: for the most part, it’s more than killing.

…but in some cases, tokenization is the perfect tool to redirect value to core communities.

Here’s an example of what we mean:

In Fortnite (the video game your nephew is obsessed with), most users don’t make any money playing the game.

Some do so via Twitch streaming, but the vast majority are just there to play.

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Yet they (the wider user base) are the most important part of the business. Without them the game would be a ghost town.

Here’s how crypto can be used to funnel some of that value back to the core user base…

Let’s say these users come together in a common online forum, where they share tips, tricks and insights about the game.

Let’s say that place is Reddit.

Imagine if they collectively decided to launch their own crypto token (name it ‘$BRICK’, for example) – and used it as a way to reward those most engaged within the community.

What could happen if a major crypto exchange like, idk, Kraken (?) listed $BRICK on its platform?

A whole bunch of value (money) could then flow from the public market to the token.

Value that would largely go to early holders of the $BRICK token.

That is, the diehard Fortnite players/community members (people who otherwise would never have seen a dime of the game).

Good. This is not a hypothesis. That all really happened.

…can you guess when Kraken mentioned it?

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