Hunters On-Chain launches Season 0

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While still not open to the general public, Hunters On-Chain has decided to move into Season 0 and offer a selection of rewards to a very limited number of players.

Hunters On-Chain launches Season 0 of their top-down action PvE game. The season lasts for a month and has a leaderboard with rewards for the best players. Unfortunately, these are the ONLY seasonal perks and are only given to the top 10 players.

Presumably, the team would be looking at expanding rewards, but we haven’t heard any news on that yet. And just the fact that they thought it was acceptable to award only the top 10 players for a season in the first place makes me wonder how well connected the team is with the actual gaming community.

And unfortunately (again) this season is a pay-to-win event. Almost all ways to earn points for the leaderboards can be improved by spending more money. You can earn leaderboard points by earning BGEM by playing games, opening chests (purchased with BGEM tokens), and upgrading your Hunters. This is all cumulative, so if you have a larger collection of fighters you can earn more points. And rarer fighters, as well as higher level ones, earn more BGEM, making this a snowball effect of the rich getting richer. In addition, the rewards for Season 0 are BOOM Tokens. So the players who already have the highest level Hunters can level them up even more!

We proclaimed Hunters on-Chain as a game to watch in August. But now we seem to be looking at it for all the wrong reasons.

ready to level

No TREE to be found

Hunters On-Chain also seems to be dropping the ball regarding their BOOM token. To upgrade Hunters in the game, you need the appropriate Hunter Shards (found in chests) and BOOM Token, which can only be purchased from the in-game store. However, the in-game shop has a very limited supply of BOOM Tokens and is randomly and sporadically replenished by the team. And when the BOOM stock is refilled, it is bought up in minutes. If you’re not online at exactly the right time, you can forget about ever getting BOOM Tokens. In fact, this morning’s drop of over 33,000 BOOM Tokens sold out in less than a minute!

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Now I realize it’s hard to balance a PvE economy. But this random trickle of tokens just doesn’t feel right. Especially when a whale can swoop in and buy up all of the BOOM Tokens, level up all of their fighters and gain even more advantage in the game. And there are rumors that they will stop adding BOOM to the store in the near future. At that point, I have no idea how players will level up their fighters.

The team has dropped some BOOM tokens on Genesis Hunters holders. However, as the owner of three Uncommon Hunters and one Rare Hunter, the amount of BOOM I received wasn’t even enough to level up one Uncommon Hunter to level 2.

Boomland will have to figure this out sooner rather than later. At this point, it’s starting to feel like they’ve ported their web2 game to web3, without really having a good idea what they’re getting themselves into.

What is Hunters On-Chain

Hunters is a fantasy, top-down, PVE action game with a number of different game modes.

For PvE, each match features four players fighting monsters and leveling up. In Hunt mode, matches last two minutes, with first place going to whoever has earned the most experience in that time, or whoever is the last survivor – whichever comes first. Each player starts the match at level 1 with full hit points. As they kill monsters and grab the shooting stars, players gain experience. As you gain enough experience, you level up and earn the right to choose between two semi-random promotions. These promotions include standard power-ups such as increased damage, increased attack range, and more hit points, as well as special abilities such as Damage Reflect and Demon Pact (sacrifice HP for more damage).

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As the match progresses, the spawned monsters become more difficult. So just trying to hide and survive the match isn’t really a viable tactic. Players must actively enter the battlefield and level up. Monsters generally spawn in the corners of the map, although they will chase players everywhere. In the center is a healing square that can be visited at any time.

Other modes include Boss Hunt, where players must try to defeat a Boss dragon after leveling up, and Bounty Hunter, a 10-character FFA battle with no level-ups during the match.

Players can earn BGEM Tokens by playing matches. They can then use BGEM to buy chests containing random artifacts and hunter shards. Players also need BOOM Tokens to level up their fighters.

Visit Boomland to learn more about Boomland and Hunters on-Chain websitefollow them up Twitterand join them Disagreement.

Hunters on the chain

Phil Hall has been a game enthusiast since birth and a crypto enthusiast since 2017. He enjoys new discoveries and sharing them with others through blogging and photography. You can follow him on Twitter or read his other articles on Medium.

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