It’s happening…72.5% of the top 40 video game companies now use Web3.

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  • Web3 gaming doesn’t need broad consumer support to achieve mass adoption, it just needs the support of console/game makers.

  • And right now, 72.5% (that’s 29/40) of the top video game companies are building blockchain infrastructure in some way.

  • That means – love it or hate it – Web3 is coming to gaming.

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The vast majority of gamers actively reject Web3 as a concept.

Still, we are convinced that they will adopt Web3 gaming en masse in the coming years.

Why? Because some things don’t require broad consumer support to be adopted – or better yet, just because we don’t ‘get’ something doesn’t mean it’s doomed to failure.

Remember back in the early 2010s when every tech company was talking about “the cloud”?

Nowadays, most people would consider it a failed tech fad… without realizing that they use ‘the cloud’ every day.

Whether it’s direct (e.g. iPhones sending photos to iCloud) or indirect (e.g. watching Netflix, which stores the content on an Amazon cloud server).

So why this apathy?

Because the technical infrastructure is incredibly boring!

And both cloud computing and blockchain are infrastructure technologies.

The good news? The majority of people do not have to willingly commit (or even ensure) that infrastructure technologies are adopted.

It happens in the background.

And right now, 72.5% (that’s 29/40) of the top video game companies are building blockchain infrastructure in some way.

(That includes the big three: Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo).

That means – love it or hate it – Web3 is coming to gaming.

See also  Why a reliable, multichain approach to web3 requires direct integration

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