Jim Cramer vs. Gary Gensler – Could We See a BONK ETF?

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We just looked this interview between Gary Gensler and Jim Cramer that happened yesterday morning and boy did Jim Gaz ask some of the questions we had wish we could have asked.

Namely: if an ETH ETF is approved, what about a BONK ETF?

(The subtext is: now that one altcoin has been approved for a spot ETF in the US, what about every other altcoin)?

And: What about Roaring Kitty? Is he manipulating the markets?

(That relates to crypto, because historically, when meme stocks fly, so do meme coins).

It’s definitely worth a watch (under 14 minutes), but if you just want to know the answers to the above, here you go.

Although he sidestepped the topic and didn’t answer directly, he used much softer language than in the past, when he called the crypto market a “scam-riddled industry, full of peddlers and fraudsters.”

However, he couldn’t help but poke fun at the industry as a whole, stating that “Crypto exchanges are doing things we would never let this New York Stock Exchange do,” and “[many tokens] have not provided the disclosures that you not only need to make your investment decisions, but also that are required by law.”

As for Keith Gill (aka Roaring Kitty), Gaz also skirted the topic.

All he had to say on the subject was: “In general, you have to make sure that you are not misleading the public, and that you are not doing things in the markets in any way that are potentially manipulative.”

See also  Beware, Pokemon have weapons now.

He declined to say whether the SEC is currently monitoring Gill’s trading or online behavior.

So there you have it: Gary Gensler now officially seems non-pro-crypto.

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