Krista Kim explores spirituality, art, and podcast tokenization at The Gateway: Korea

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The Art & Spirituality: A Conversation with Krista Kim panel, hosted by Matt Medved, began with a discussion of Kim’s featured The Gateway.

She discusses her piece “Resonance,” a digital video of a slow-spinning diamond in the rough that guides viewers on an 8-minute journey of self-discovery, inviting them to tap into their inner light and peace, despite the challenges they face. She explains the meaning behind the piece and why she considers humans precious diamonds.

“We are formed under pressure, and there are many hardships in human life; life consists of ups and downs,” Kim tells Medved. “But I think the more resilient we are under pressure, the more we can overcome difficult circumstances and become beautiful diamonds.”

Medved and Kim then reflected on the profound influence of digital identity on her artistry.

Kim responded by stating, “Data is power, data is oil; it is a form of property.” The conversation then shifted to the impact of blockchain technology on art holdings, and both Kim and Medved agreed that the need for verification on the blockchain has significantly changed the art holdings landscape.

Credit: nft now

Medved added that “the pursuit of truth” is a central theme in this context. Kim and Medved recognized the seismic shift in the art ownership landscape, where the need for verification on the blockchain had ushered in a new era of trust and accountability. This technological innovation, they argued, not only empowered artists and collectors, but also reshaped the very foundations of the art market itself.

In an era characterized by new and emerging technologies, the need for transparency, provenance and authentication, the immutable ledger of the blockchain is more important than ever. They discussed its implications for Web3, which eventually led to a discussion about AI. They examined both the potential advantages and disadvantages of AI.

Medved stressed the importance of embracing technology and managing the associated risks.

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“It’s about embracing the technology while mitigating the potential harms or dangers it may pose,” said Medved.

He inquired about Kim’s evolving relationship with AI and acknowledged the creative tension artists often experience when incorporating AI into their creative workflows because of the potential dangers it poses.

Kim revealed that she had only just started using AI in the past six months, but says it has been helpful in bringing visions already in her head to life.

Kim draws an analogy between AI artists and the role of a director in a movie. “AI is a tool, but the maker must know what he wants. they have to ask the designer what they want to create,” she said. “You still need to have a concept, a philosophy, a vision. it is a collaborative process”

Matt and Kim then delved deeper into the pressing issue of the mental health crisis within the Web3 space, discussing the relentless 24/7 pressure and anxiety that artists, founders and builders often face.

Kim advised that an effective method of alleviating anxiety is not to compare yourself to others. She elaborated on the great importance of meditation on her personal journey, highlighting how meditation has played a huge role in overcoming mental challenges such as depression and anxiety. In a moment of vulnerability, she emphasized that her art plays a vital role in her self-healing journey, which stems from her efforts to confront and heal past traumas.

Medved concluded the conversation with an exciting announcement to the audience.

First tokenized podcast episode

Matt Medved Krista Kim
Credit: nft now

“We are very excited to announce that we will be tokenizing our own podcast episode and sending it to all Now Pass holders,” he said, facing Kim. “And the subject is none other than yourself.”

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As he spoke, the large screen behind him changed to display an image of Kim, showing her presence on the NFT Now Podcast. The audience erupted in cheers.

In addition to commemorating a milestone in The Gateway’s global expansion and our first piece of tokenized media, this airdrop will unlock exciting rewards with the launch of the Now Network Member Portal later this year. Find the official OpenSea link to the tokenized podcast here.

In addition to releasing the first tokenized nft now podcast, the company’s founders also announced the expansion to Now Media on October 10.

For the past year, nft has now been at the forefront of exploring the future of tokenized media, and this exciting announcement marks the next major step in its innovative journey. As we leave this panel enriched by Kim’s wisdom and inspired by the limitless possibilities of art and technology, it is clear that the ever-evolving intersection of creativity and digital identity will continue to shape our world in profound and transformative ways.

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