Lost Worlds Unveil New App-Free GeoNFT Creation Portal

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Lost Worlds, a Pokémon GO-like platform that brings the NFT collection to the real world, has introduced a new Creation Portal that allows users to create so-called “geoNFTs” without the need for a special mobile app.

This takes the process of creating geoNFTs out of the hands of the Lost Worlds developers and into the hands of the community, streamlining the minting process and giving both creators and brands more flexibility to distribute these unique digital tokens to their communities.

The new geoNFT Creation Portal is now live and available for use.

Lost World launches the geoNFT Assisted Scavenger Hunt platform
Source: lost worlds

Bringing GeoNFTs to the community

With users now able to independently create and manage geoNFTs, the Lost Worlds team is looking to integrate new tools and features to expand the functionality these geoNFTs can provide.

This includes support for airdrops, allowing creators and brands to send geoNFTs directly to their communities.

Both STEPN and NFT.NYC have worked with Lost Worlds in the past to offer digital rewards to events in real-world locations – and with a host of Web3 events in the rest of 2024, you might just see geoNFTs on an event near you.

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