Monster World Announces Schedule for Nyang Kit NFT Mint

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Ragnarok: Monster World recently announced the Nyang Kit NFT Mint event scheduled for May 28 at 9:00 AM EST according to a blog post from Ronin, the EVM-compatible network developed by Sky Mavis.

This new kit will reinvigorate the game’s ecosystem by bringing back Nyangvines, a feature familiar to veteran players but now returning with new twists to provide players with new opportunities and exclusive rewards, and enhance the overall gameplay experience for improve the dedicated community.

It is said that a Nyang Kit is more than just an NFT; it’s a gateway to a multitude of possibilities within the Ragnarok: Monster World ecosystem.

Source: Ragnarok: Monster World

What is a Nyang kit?

Each Nyang kit contains 4 ERC 1155 NFTs: 1 Nyangvine and 3 Ragmon tickets.

The Nyangvine opens up new opportunities for players, such as participating in exclusive lotteries including the Genesis Tamer lottery draw and monthly lottery draws, with additional benefits and rewards to be revealed over time. While Ragmon tickets can be exchanged for Ragmon NFTs which can be used in battles, merged with other Ragmons to level up, or sold on the market.

Players will also have the chance to obtain a 1/200 Irochi Baphomet NFT, a rare collectible that is expected to be highly sought after by players and collectors alike, adding significant value to the kit.

How do you participate in the NFT coin?

On May 28, interested individuals can participate via Mavis Launchpad, where the coining will take place in several stages: the Collaborator Stage, Allowlist Stage, and Public Stage.

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The Collaborator Stage is reserved for team members, valued partners and select guilds. There are only 60 Premium Packages available, each offering 1,300 Nyang kits at a price of $RON 1,000 each.

The Admission List phase is open to active community members, Ronin creators, and Ronin Guild members with the opportunity to purchase up to 25 Nyang Kits per user, with options including the Discovery Pack ($RON 25 for 30 Nyang Kits) and Starter Pack ( 10$RON for 11 Nyang kits). While the Public Stage will be available to anyone with a Ronin Wallet, with a limit of 50 Nyang Kits per wallet.

Visit Ronin for more updates on the upcoming sale and follow Ragnarok: Monster World on X.

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