Navigating the Web3 startup landscape with limited resources

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The following is a guest post from Nischal Shetty, co-founder and president of Shardeum.

The bull market has shown signs of its arrival as the ecosystem looks forward to a market rebound that has been anticipated for two years. In Web3, bear markets are generally considered the best time to build so that the products can withstand any adverse conditions and still learn to thrive and scale. However, sentiment plays an important role in crypto, meaning builders/consumers are much more optimistic about products when the market is rising.

New builders will be more encouraged to build something from scratch, amid the greater optimism of reaching an equally enthusiastic audience. So those who have understood the market dynamics and closely studied the token movements over the past two years may have a harder time creating as the funding landscape has become less generous over the past year. With several projects collapsing and others failing to live up to their initial hype, investors have tightened their pockets.

According to data from Crunchbase, funding in the first two quarters of 2023 fell by 78% and 76% respectively compared to the same period in 2022. The Block further reported that VCs injected $10.7 billion into crypto startups in 2023, a 68% decline compared to $33.3 billion in 2022.

Funding for Web3 startups has become scarcer and venture capitalists have become increasingly cautious. New BUIDLers must adapt their strategies to build and scale their startups with minimal seed funding.

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Leveraging open source tools and communities

Using open source tools and building communities is at the heart of building a Web3 startup with limited resources. Platforms like Ethereum, Polkadot, and Cosmos offer decentralized infrastructure and protocols, although their gas fees are somewhat concerning and not so beginner-friendly. Participating in the open source community promotes collaboration, learning and contribution.

People with different expertise can come together, and if they are truly passionate about building something from scratch, they can open their pockets and pool funds to help get the initiative off the ground before any revenue comes in. Additionally, starting from scratch as DAO will give the community more autonomy, with each individual able to claim a stake in a certain number of tokens in exchange for their contribution to the project. They can later reap the benefits of the staked tokens when they increase in value.

This can be a good start to developing a Minimal Viable Product (MVP) and avoiding unnecessary costs. By identifying the essential features that meet the immediate needs of the target audience, startups can prioritize development efforts and gain valuable user feedback. This iterative approach enables continuous improvement without significant financial costs.

Creating sustainable growth strategies

Scaling a Web3 startup on a shoestring budget requires a shift toward sustainable growth strategies. Instead of relying on expensive marketing campaigns, startups should focus on organic growth through community building and word of mouth. By engaging with potential users on social media platforms and attending industry events, you can generate traction without large financial investments.

Organizing meetups in different cities with interested communities that can also grow the ecosystem can help raise awareness and enable different members to help scale new projects. Exploring grant programs and hackathons tailored to Web3 startups can provide a much-needed lifeline. Many organizations offer funding opportunities for innovative projects, while hackathons provide exposure and potential funding for standout ideas. =

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These initiatives allow startups to showcase their skills and ideas to potential investors while easing financial constraints. Creating strategic alliances with existing and established startups can increase resources and overcome limitations. By collaborating with complementary companies, startups can share costs, pool resources and leverage each other’s expertise. This collective approach promotes innovation and problem solving and expands market reach without substantial financial investment.

Additionally, seeking mentorship from industry leaders who have built bootstrapped products can be a great way to tap into hands-on experiences and real-time feedback on industry developments.

Embracing the ethos of bootstrapping and iteration is crucial for Web3 startups with minimal resources. Instead of relying solely on external funding, startups can fund themselves or use revenue from early adopters to fuel growth. Constantly iterating the product based on user feedback ensures progress toward the vision while saving financial resources.

In conclusion, while securing substantial funding may pose challenges for Web3 startups, it is not an insurmountable barrier. By leveraging open-source tools, developing a lean MVP, prioritizing sustainable growth, taking advantage of grant programs and hackathons, fostering collaborations, and embracing bootstrapping and iteration, entrepreneurs with limited resources can use the Web3 navigate landscape. With resilience, adaptability, and strategic planning, success in the Web3 space is within reach, even with modest resources.

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