Over a million wallets just got free money… Here’s how.

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  • Airdrops are when companies send you free stuff just because you have an account, own an NFT, or interact with their game/app/product in some way.

  • Airdrops send tokens (or NFTs) to wallets, immediately letting wallet holders know the tokens exist, where they can be purchased or traded, and how much they are currently worth.

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Have you dropped anything yet?

Not like iPhone to iPhone, but an airdrop to your crypto wallet?

We ask this because last Friday there was a crypto token (known as $WEN) which was dropped to over a MILLION Solana wallets, leading to a rally in the token price.

If you haven’t received an airdrop before, it’ll look like you’re receiving an unsolicited airdrop on your iPhone:

Crypto tokens and/or NFTs are sent (seemingly randomly and for free) to your crypto wallet.

And it opens up some new possibilities…

In marketing, there are the “Four A’s”…two of which you can check: awareness and accessibility.

Traditionally, they both require long and tedious processes before finally delivering results.

Airdropping tokens and NFTs into wallets immediately communicates to wallet holders that these assets:

  1. Existence (consciousness)

  2. Can be traded/used (accessibility)

By making airdrops (like last Friday’s $WEN token) a quick, easy, and cheap way to reach potential users and buyers.


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See also  Why this new Metaverse token might just work.
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