Overworld is selling Incarna NFT Mint

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Overworld, an in-development MMORPG, held their Incarna NFT coin earlier this week and saw it sell out in under a minute! But as you might imagine with such a quick sale, there were some unhappy customers!

For an in-development game that is all hype and little substance, Overworld has somehow managed to create enough buzz around their game to sell out their Incarna NFT coin in under a minute! But it wasn’t so happy for everyone. With an overbooked whitelist, bots getting hold of the public currency, and partner projects immediately flipping large numbers of NFTS, many users found reasons to complain.

Jeremy Horn, the founder of Overworld, even took to Twitter to apologize and offer future benefits to help relieve the pain of this mint. This includes NFTs for those with failed transactions, future bonuses for whitelisted participants, and airdrops for those who buy and/or hold their Incarna NFTs.

Overworld will host one Twitter frees up the town hall on December 21st at 1am CST to talk more about everything

Overworld Incarna

Benefits for Icarna NFT holders

And despite the coin’s problems, the hype train for Overworld continues. Floor prices on the secondary markets amount to a maximum of 2.4 ETH for the Incarna NFTs! Overworld promises many benefits for Incarna holders, including airdrops, wagering bonuses, exclusive game items, access to a private Discord, and even a vote in shaping the game!

Additionally, starting December 20, Overworld will launch a rewards program for anyone who has Incarna NFTs in their wallets. To earn points, owners must keep their Incarna NFTs in their wallet and not put them up for sale. With each sale, all accumulated points are deleted. Holders also get bonuses for owning multiple Incarna NFTs (up to 3). Snapshots are taken at random, unannounced times. When the Manacite Token (MNCT) launches, those with points will receive a token airdrop.

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What is Overworld?

Overworld is an upcoming MMORPG developed by Xterio Games that will feature NFTs. The publicly available information available for Overworld is sparse. Their Discord is only accessible to Incarna NFT holders, and their web page consists of just one page with no text. We do get a few blurbs from the Xterio website and their official Gitbook page. They promise a free-to-play, cross-blockchain, sandbox RPG with “a focus on social experiences, collective storytelling, utility-powered collectibles, and deep, engaging multiplayer gameplay.”

They also describe Overworld as a top-down, isometric game with anime-inspired, customizable characters. Overworld includes a game economy, land ownership, and user-generated content.

Overworld is backed by big names such as Binance Labs and Animoca Brands. Hopefully they will reveal more details about their game to the public soon!

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Phil Hall has been a gaming enthusiast since birth and a crypto enthusiast since 2017. He loves new discoveries and sharing them with others through blogging and photography. You can follow him on Twitter or read his other articles on Medium.

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