Phantom Galaxies Opens Beta – Cohort 3

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A new phase of the Phantom Galaxies beta has dropped, featuring PvP, gear, and a new in-game currency! And while the Phantom Galaxies is still not fully open, you can now get access for less than a dollar! Officially known as Beta – Cohort 3, this phase should last about a month.

Phantom Galaxies are keeping things going this summer as they announce their latest beta release, titled Collectors of Glory. This is officially the third phase of their beta and with it they open the gates to a wider audience.

Access to this beta release is open to holders of Avatar Mintpasses, Starfighter Mintpasses, or any number of ASTRAFER tokens, as well as those holding the titles ‘Friends of Zorran’ and ‘Rulers of Worlds’. ASTRAFER tokens currently cost around 50 cents (USD) each and can be picked up on Quickswap on Polygon for cheap transaction fees. So anyone wanting access to this beta, it’s just a small token purchase away!

This beta phase started on August 6 and should last about a month.

fight in the PvP zone
fight in the PvP zone

What’s new in cohort 3?

This beta phase brings three major new features to Phantom Galaxies: PvP, an in-game single currency, and a Gear system!

The new currency only mentioned in the game is called Starling. This will be used by the team to test different economic characteristics. It won’t carry over from the beta and collecting it in-game won’t get you any rewards. However, you can use Starling to buy and upgrade your equipment.

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The introduction of the Gear system allows players to equip and customize their Mechs/Ships with a variety of upgrades. This is just the first step of a more comprehensive player progression system.

And, perhaps the most exciting part for those pilots who are tired of fighting pirates, Phantom Galaxies adds PvP! Players can reach the PvP area by using the red Hyperbridge in the starting Asterion system. So it’s available to jump right in if you want.

In addition, the Phantom Galaxies team has said they plan to create and distribute Proof of Attendance (POA) NFTs for beta participants. This includes separate badges for each section of the beta and retroactively applies to the previous beta phases.

Unfortunately, Phantom Galaxies does not appear to contain any patch system. So you have to install the new launcher and download the full 16 gigs of the game again. You can start that download here.

buy and upgrade weapons and equipment
buy and upgrade weapons and equipment

What is Phantom Galaxies?

Phantom galaxies is a story-based, FPS, MMORPG set in a future of space travel and planet colonization. Players follow the storyline quests, fight against pirates and upgrade their character and spaceships along the way. The game offers high-quality graphics and features starship controls and combat, as well as walkable 3D space stations where most of the NPC interactions take place.

Players will own their own Starfighters in the form on NFTs. Other equipment and fusion NFTs will be used to upgrade the fighters. Phantom Galaxies is currently in open beta. They recently added a bounty system, daily and weekly quests where players can earn experience and Credits.

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The Phantom Galaxies team has plans for many other features, including arena PvP, PvE raids, crafting, and even possible permanent loss of Starfighter NFTs (in certain zones)!

Visit them for more information on Phantom Galaxies websitefollow them up Twitterand join them Disagreement.

Phil Hall has been a game enthusiast since birth and a crypto enthusiast since 2017. He enjoys new discoveries and sharing them with others through blogging and photography. You can follow him on Twitter or read his other articles on Medium.

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