Play to earn games to watch in January

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A new month and a new year. And while many studios slowed development over the holidays, you can expect things to pick up again in January. Here are a few games we want to watch in the month of January 2024!

Now that Christmas and New Year’s Eve are behind us, it’s time to get back to it! While it’s not unusual for new updates to be a bit slow at the beginning of the year as teams get back to work and continue development, there will still be some notable activity. And making a big splash to start the year could be very beneficial to a game’s hype factor. Below are some of the games we’re keeping an eye on this month!


Illuvium recently opened up the PvP side of their Illuvium Arena game. And even more recently, plans have been announced to let Illuvium Zero players create the first Blueprint NFTs soon! Now that the three-pronged gameplay is starting to come together, Illuvium can regain a lot of the hype they seem to have lost in recent years.

You’ll need a piece of land to play Illuvium Zero, but both Illuvium Overworld and Illuvium Arena are free to play.


Immutable And with implementation of their Immutable Passport also increasing, Immutable

Immutable The immutable passport was one step. Next up is the announcement a few weeks ago of a feature that will allow developers to sponsor gas costs for their players, creating a seamless gaming experience that completely hides the blockchain aspects. With the general hostility towards blockchain from many gamers, this could become a major problem.

See also  Eldarune obtains IMX Grant from Immutable

Tree verse

Treeverse has been building quietly in recent years. And somehow, despite all the major playtests or releases, there remained enough interest in their original NFTrees collection to still fetch over 7 ETH each!

Endless Clouds, the studio behind Treeverse, regularly releases updates with concept artwork and information about current development progress. In addition, they also built a PvP-focused side game (completely unrelated to Treeverse) called Capsule Heroes.

But for those who have been waiting to play either game, Endless Clouds has announced plans to release developer builds in January to a limited audience for both Treevers and Capsule Heroes! You can read this Twitter message for information on how to sign up.

Axie Infinity

It surprises many that Axie Infinity refuses to go quietly into the night! This grandparent of web3 gaming has undergone a number of innovations over the years. But now they seem to have found a solid foundation for their Axie fighting game, and they continue to add new features like Parts Evolution that help boost their players and function as an important part of the economy. Additionally, the Axie ecosystem also includes Project T, a social MMO experience, and Axie Homeland, their land-based gameplay.

And that’s not all…

Of course, this isn’t the only thing that will happen to web3 gaming this month. Be sure to follow us further Tweet and visit our website regularly to stay up to date with the latest web3 gaming news!

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