Play to earn games to watch in October

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October brings Halloween traditions to some parts of the world. And that often includes Halloween-themed sales, events and cosmetics. But before we get into that further: there are plenty of other activities this month. Here are a few games we want to check out during the month of October!

The Halloween activities haven’t quite started yet, but don’t be surprised if you see announcements about that sort of thing soon! In the meantime, there are plenty of non-festive themed events and happenings happening soon or even already underway!

Gods unleashed

Gods Unchained dropped news of a season two for their popular TCG. Called Far Horizons, this season brings new divine powers, updated artwork, a new card set and more! But I don’t expect to see all of this, or even any of it, in the month of October. However, I do expect we’ll get some details on their plans, early card art, and other good stuff like that!

Gods Unchained season two banner


MegaWorld is one of those web3 games that has been around for a while, but hasn’t attracted a large audience yet. They hope to change that with the launch of Express Delivery, a monetization system that ties into the construction production that has been the core of the game since it was known as MegaCryptopolis!

Since only a limited number of people will get access to Express Delivery, it’s too early to say whether this will be a successful venture or not. But as the gates open further, we should get a better idea of ​​whether this new game mode will attract the players it needs.

MegaWorld Alpha Express banner

Sugar City

Sugartown is a new web3 gaming platform built and operated by Zynga. And it looks like Zynga is wasting little time, having already conducted an NFT sale and implemented an NFT staking program. Their first game, known only as NGMI, should be available soon, with those who stake their Ora NFTs among those who get access first!

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Apparently Zynga already has five other games in the works for the Sugartown platform!

To be sure, Sugartown isn’t the only casual games platform in the web3 scene. But Zynga is a big name in web2 casual gaming and has the resources and potential to bring in millions of new web3 gamers! This is definitely a project I will be keeping a close eye on in the coming months!

Sugartown banner

My pet hooligan

My Pet Hooligan is now open, public and early access so everyone can try out its crazy, action-packed FPS. Additionally, their recent partnership with Amazon Gaming should have brought some extra attention to this game.

And even though it’s pre-launch, My Pet Hooligan includes a battle pass system that allows players to earn skins and other items just by playing the game!

My Pet Hooligan screenshot

But that is not everything…

Of course, this isn’t the only thing that will happen to web3 gaming in October. Be sure to follow us further Tweet and visit our website regularly to stay up to date with the latest web3 gaming news!

Phil Hall has been a gaming enthusiast since birth and a crypto enthusiast since 2017. He loves new discoveries and sharing them with others through blogging and photography. You can follow him on Twitter or read his other articles on Medium.

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