Ruffled feathers: the buzz surrounding the alleged sale of Moonbirds | | NFT News |

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The flight of Moonbirds amid sales speculation

A rumor takes flight: The NFT community recently witnessed a whirlwind of rumors regarding the possible sale of the Moonbirds project. Rumors in the NFT world, like in any innovative and fast-paced environment, can spread at the speed of light, sparking debate and speculation. In this case, however, Moonbirds’ future remains firmly anchored in its current trajectory, as clarified by Kevin Rose.

Kevin Rose clears the air: Kevin Rose, a prominent figure in the NFT and technology world, took to a public platform to address these swirling rumors. At 7:45 a.m., Rose explained the situation in a message characterized by transparency and clarity. He mentioned a conversation he had with another founder about a possible partnership or “combination of forces,” which is common in the dynamic world of NFTs. These discussions often remain private, but occasionally details leak out, leading to misconceptions.

Partnership Conversations: A Standard in NFTs: It is essential to understand that partnership discussions, both major and minor, are a routine part of the NFT ecosystem. Projects like Moonbirds thrive on innovation and strategic alliances. These conversations are indicative of a project’s growth and its willingness to explore new horizons.

The Future of Moonbirds: Challenging Conventional Thinking: Rose emphasized the importance of the next external meeting for Moonbirds, where unconventional thinking will be championed. This approach is crucial for Moonbirds to not only re-establish its presence in the NFT space, but also reshape its future and stay ahead in an ever-evolving market.

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Stable while flying: Talon’s project continues: Putting all speculation to rest, Rose reaffirmed that the project’s planned trajectory, including the Talons initiative, remains on track. This commitment to their roadmap reflects the project’s resilience and commitment to its community and objectives.

7:45 AM @here I’m hearing rumors about the sale of Moonbirds. This all stems from a conversation I had with another founder about what a combination of forces would look like. These types of conversations are not new. Partnership conversations, both large and small, are happening all the time. Usually they are kept private, but that’s true. This in particular was a high-level conversation and didn’t go anywhere. Our next offsite is the perfect opportunity to challenge conventional thinking and envision a path forward that will restore and reshape the future of Moonbirds. Once again, nothing changes: Talons marches forward as planned – enjoy the holidays – Kevin Rose

Moonbirds’ leadership under scrutiny amid sales rumors

A leadership conundrum: Amid the swirling rumors about the possible sale of Moonbirds, another dimension has been added to the conversation: Kevin Rose’s leadership. A portion of the community is raising concerns about Rose’s leadership, suggesting that a change at the helm could potentially lead to a Moonbirds resurgence similar to Pudgy Penguins’ remarkable journey.

The chubby penguins parallel: It’s worth noting the transformation Pudgy Penguins underwent under new leadership. This watershed story in the NFT world is often cited as a benchmark for how effective leadership can drive a project forward. The sentiment among certain Moonbirds enthusiasts reflects a similar desire: the belief that Moonbirds could experience a similar revival and growth under new management.

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Balancing perspectives: While these sentiments exist within the community, it is important to balance them with the achievements under Rose’s leadership. Under his leadership, Moonbirds have carved out a significant niche in the NFT space. However, the dynamic nature of this ecosystem often leads to discussions about the direction and management of premier projects.

A community at a crossroads: The Moonbirds community is at a crossroads, contemplating the future and possible shifts in leadership. Such discussions are not uncommon in the NFT world, where community opinion plays a crucial role in shaping a project’s trajectory.

Rose’s reaffirmation amid speculation: Despite these sentiments, Kevin Rose’s recent statement has put rumors of a sale to a temporary halt. He remains committed to the project’s vision and roadmap. However, the conversation about leadership and the direction of the project remains a point of discussion and speculation within the community.


Amid rumors that Moonbirds may be sold, there is growing sentiment in the community questioning Kevin Rose’s leadership. Some believe Moonbirds could experience significant growth under new ownership, drawing parallels to Pudgy Penguins’ success following a leadership change. However, Rose has reaffirmed his commitment to the project even as these discussions continue.

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