Still time to sign up for Engines of Fury Alpha

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Another alpha and another playing and earning opportunity! This alpha is for Engines of Fury, a top-down extraction shooter where players battle mutated monsters and each other to collect loot, upgrade their base, and craft weapons and equipment before heading out to do some more fighting!

Another alpha and another chance at token and NFT rewards!

The original end date for the Engines of Fury alpha application was March 6. But with more than 50,000 applicants, Engines of Fury decided to expand the application procedure. In fact, it’s still open now! All you need to apply is provide an email address and answer a few short survey questions.

Engines of Fury alpha prices

Those who are accepted into the alpha will not only be among the first to experience this new web3 game, but will also have a chance to win prizes. We don’t have details on the pricing and requirements yet, but we do know that they will include special NFT weapons and over 5,000 FURY tokens.

The official date of the alpha launch and the unveiling of the winning candidates have yet to be announced. In addition, the team holds a Zealous campaignwith token rewards for those who top the rankings.

You can complete your alpha application here.

Engines of Fury alpha gameplay
Engines of Fury alpha gameplay

What is Engines of Fury?

Engines of Fury is a top-down extraction shooter. It is set in an apocalyptic, dystopian world where the planet has been bombarded with asteroids containing biological pathogens. Players must fight both AI enemies and each other to collect loot and get out of harm’s way safely. Engines of Fury includes crafting, player development, character customization, guilds, and more.

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Trying out different item combinations will be an integral part of the game. And because players can lose equipped items if they die during a mission, crafting and trading will also be an important part of the gameplay.

Engines of Fury will get its own token, FURY, on the Binance Chain. FURY will function as the primary currency. Players can earn these by participating in tournaments and leaderboards, as well as through staking and farming. Players spend FURY tokens on in-game purchases, item crafting, and player marketplace purchases.

Engines of Fury is currently in alpha testing, with a release planned for later in 2024. The game will be free to play, with options for those who just want to play and aren’t involved with tokens or NFTs.

For more information about Engines of Fury, visit them websitefollow them further Tweetand join them Disagreement. You can also read them white paper for more information about the game.

Engines of Fury alpha screenshot
fight Boss monsters during missions

Phil Hall has been a gaming enthusiast since birth and a crypto enthusiast since 2017. He loves new discoveries and sharing them with others through blogging and photography. You can follow him on Twitter or read his other articles on Medium.

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