Swift’s CBDC connector is undergoing beta testing at global central banks

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Swift, the world’s leading provider of secure financial messaging services, has announced the beta testing of its innovative Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) interoperability solution. This move comes as part of Swift’s ongoing efforts to bridge the gap between digital and fiat-based currencies.

Global participation in Swift’s CBDC initiative

Three central banks, including the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and the National Bank of Kazakhstan, are currently integrating Swift’s CBDC connector solution into their infrastructure for direct testing. This follows Swift’s commitment to develop a beta version following the initial sandbox testing phase, in which participants recognized the “clear potential and value” of the solution.

In addition, more than thirty financial institutions worldwide are participating in the second phase of sandbox experiments. This phase aims to explore additional use cases such as trigger-based payments for digital trading platforms, currency models and liquidity savings mechanisms. In particular, the Reserve Bank of Australia, Deutsche Bundesbank, HKMA, Bank of Thailand and CLS are among the institutions involved.

Tackling the problem of fragmentation

According to The Atlantic Council, 130 countries, accounting for 98% of global GDP, are currently exploring CBDCs. Nineteen G20 countries are in advanced stages of CBDC development, and nine countries are already testing their digital currencies. However, the primary focus on domestic use could lead to a fragmented landscape across borders.

Swift’s response to this potential fragmentation is a concentrated effort on interoperability for digital currencies and tokenized assets. Their goal is to ensure that these digital assets, when deployed, can be seamlessly integrated into the financial ecosystem. Swift’s CBDC initiative, which launched more than 18 months ago, involved simulating nearly 5,000 transactions between two different blockchain networks and existing fiat-based payment systems during its first phase.

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Swift’s vision of the future of digital currencies

Tom Zschach, Chief Innovation Officer at Swift, emphasized the company’s focus on interoperability. He stated: “Our focus is on interoperability – ensuring that new digital currencies can co-exist seamlessly with current fiat-based currencies and payment systems.” Zschach also highlighted the financial community’s recognition of Swift’s CBDC innovations, which aim to prevent “digital islands” while securely bridging current and future payment systems.

Swift proactively embraces blockchain and CBDC and recognizes that blockchain has the potential to revolutionize the current system. As reported by Blockchain.News, Swift, in partnership with major banks and Chainlink, announced successful experiments to transfer tokenized assets across multiple blockchains on August 31, 2023. The initiative aims to address interoperability issues that hinder the growth of the tokenized asset market. Swift’s infrastructure can act as a central point for financial institutions transferring tokenized assets, ensuring global interoperability. Swift’s Tom Zschach emphasized the importance of interoperability and Swift’s role in facilitating global value transfer.

About Swift

Swift is a global, member-owned cooperative that provides a platform for secure financial messaging. By connecting more than 11,500 banking and securities organizations in more than 200 countries, Swift facilitates global and local financial flows, supporting trade and commerce worldwide. Although it does not hold money or manage accounts for customers, Swift ensures secure and standardized exchange of financial messages. Headquartered in Belgium, Swift has a strong presence in major financial centers worldwide, emphasizing its neutral, global cooperative structure.

Image source: Shutterstock

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