The Kaizen Philosophy: How SuperRare is Revolutionizing UX in Web3 | | NFT News |

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In a world where rapid change is the norm, the concept of Kaizen, or ‘continuous improvement’, is more relevant than ever. In Japanese, ‘Kai’ means change and ‘Zen’ means good, encompassing a philosophy that strives for constant, incremental improvement. In the fast-paced Web3 ecosystem, SuperRare embodies this principle to deliver an unparalleled user experience (UX).

The Genesis of SuperRare and NFTs

Before we dive into SuperRare’s approach to continuous improvement, it’s essential to understand the origins of the platform and the broader NFT landscape. SuperRare is a high-end digital art platform powered by blockchain technology. It allows artists and collectors to create, buy and sell unique digital works of art in a single edition. Each work of art is tokenized as a non-fungible token (NFT), providing proof of ownership and provenance on the Ethereum blockchain.

Non-fungible tokens are a game changer in the art world. Unlike cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum, which are fungible and can be exchanged on a one-to-one basis, NFTs are unique. Each token has different information or attributes that make it different from all other tokens. This uniqueness makes NFTs the perfect solution for tokenizing unique assets like art, collectibles, and even real estate.

Continuous improvement: the SuperRare way

Recently, SuperRare’s CEO, known on social media as SuperRare John, outlined a series of updates aimed at improving the platform’s UX. The first step was to simplify navigation and link directly to curated sections, such as ‘Functions’ and ‘Spaces’. These sections provide a more streamlined experience, making it easier for users to find content that matches their interests.

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The second update was important for digital artists: increasing the upload limit for artwork to 250 MB. This change enables higher quality digital art, giving artists the freedom to create more intricate and detailed works. Such a move not only benefits artists, but also provides collectors with more valuable assets.

According to SuperRare John, improving site performance and UX is their number one priority, and they strive for daily improvements. This iterative approach fits perfectly with the Kaizen philosophy. It’s not about a one-time overhaul, but about consistent, incremental changes that collectively have a significant impact over time.

The future is $RARE

SuperRare is well aware that the Web3 space is constantly evolving, and they strive to evolve with it. By embracing the Kaizen philosophy, they signal to their community that they are in it for the long haul. With such a commitment to improvement, users and potential investors can look forward to a platform that only gets better with time, offering a user experience as unique as the art it hosts.


SuperRare is revolutionizing the Web3 space by embracing the Kaizen philosophy of continuous improvement. They recently simplified navigation on their platform and increased the artwork upload limit to 250 MB, all in an effort to improve the user experience. SuperRare continues to innovate and promises a future that is, in their own words, ‘$RARE’.

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