The path to universal payments with one click

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Online advertising and privacy go together such as:

Oil and water…
Chalk and cheese…
F*cbois and dedication…

Advertising platforms even go so far as to ‘fingerprint’ your browser by identifying your installed plugins, fonts, browser version age and screen resolution to create a unique digital ‘fingerprint’ that lets them know who you are.

(So ​​even if you block cookies, use a new IP address and log into everything with a brand new email address – They still know it’s you).

Now unfortunately this is not the part where we tell you that Web3 is going to fix this…

BUT! It offers some huge quality of life improvements for both customers and sellers by allowing Web3 builders to do something that Web2 has not been able to do.

That thing is:

Universal, Internet-wide payments with one click.

You see an item on socials → one click and it’s on its way.
You see an ad with a discount offer on a website → one click and it’s on its way.
You have to pay a friend for dinner → one click and… you get the idea.

It’s like PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Stripe, Amazon Payments, Shopify’s ‘Shop’ app, and Zelle all combined into one mega-payment platform, enabling universal ‘one-click checkout’ online.

The problem is that these Web2 payment platforms are fragmented across multiple regions and different companies – so that doesn’t happen!

(And it’s not for lack of trying).

But in crypto payments, the systems belong to no one, ignore any region locks, and already have established user networks.

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Here’s a calculation of how we get Internet-wide one-click payments:

Wallets that accept most/all major cryptocurrencies (example: Trust Wallet) + crypto acceptance + one-click crypto payment integrations on the web (as we recently saw on Farcaster).

The incentive for sellers to adopt this = this will attract crypto-rich customers and remove friction in the buying process (increasing sales).

The incentive for crypto users to adopt this = This could add trillions to the total market cap of crypto (and end the traditional banking system’s stranglehold on us).

Helluva concept!

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