THORSwap resumes operations with enhanced security measures to combat illegal money transfers

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In light of recent concerns about the possible transfer of illicit funds, THORSwap, a decentralized exchange (DEX) powered by the multichain THORChain protocol, resumes operations on October 13, 2023, following a temporary closure earlier this month. The platform took the step to improve its security measures and ensure a safer trading environment for its users.

On October 6, 2023, in response to growing concerns about the movement of illicit funds through its platform, THORSwap passed in ‘maintenance mode’. This decision was reached after consultation with consultants, legal advisors and law enforcement agencies. The aim was to curb any further illegal activity and work towards a more robust solution to prevent such incidents in the future.

THORSwap’s latest announcement shows that the platform is now back online, with users able to resume trading over 5,500 assets across 10 blockchains directly from their self-managed wallets. While the user interface remains largely unchanged, the platform has updated its terms of service and partnered with an industry leader to strengthen its security infrastructure. These measures are intended to hinder the flow of illicit funds through the platform.

While the temporary closure was not well received by some of the community, this move reflects THORSwap’s long-term commitment to ensuring a safe and compliant trading platform. This commitment to security is not only crucial for THORSwap, but also has significance for the larger decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem, especially at a time when other platforms like Yield Protocol have chosen to close due to increasing regulatory burdens and a lack of business demand.

THORSwap acknowledged that additional adjustments may be required in the coming days to ensure the effectiveness of the new security measures. They have encouraged users to report any issues they encounter on the platform via Discord.

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The actions taken by THORSwap highlight the challenges decentralized exchanges face in ensuring compliance with regulatory standards, particularly with regard to preventing illicit fund transfers. The security improvements implemented by THORSwap set a precedent for other DEXs in the industry that strive to balance user privacy with regulatory compliance.

Image source: Shutterstock

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