Union and Stargaze Bring Ethereum Blue-Chip NFTs to Cosmos

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Union, a modular interoperability platform, has partnered with decentralized NFT marketplace Stargaze to facilitate the transfer of blue-chip Ethereum NFTs to the Cosmos ecosystem using the zkIBC bridge.

Union’s zkIBC bridge will enable the transfer of high-value NFT collections such as CryptoPunks, Bored Ape Yacht Club, and Pudgy Penguins from Ethereum to Cosmos.

This integration will also allow Stargaze NFTs to be listed on marketplaces like OpenSea, while ERC-721 NFTs will be available in Stargaze.

Source: Union

Enabling blue-chip Ethereum NFT interoperability

The partnership includes the use of Union’s zkIBC bridge to facilitate NFT transfers between Ethereum and Cosmos. The process involves setting up an IBC channel between their testnets, ensuring proper mapping and encryption of NFT data. Union’s upcoming integration with AggLayer will also enable NFT transfers between Polygon and Stargaze.

Shane Vitarana, co-founder of Stargaze, said: “We are excited to work with Union to bring the best Ethereum NFTs to IBC for the first time. This isn’t just about moving assets; it’s about connecting communities and simplifying the blockchain experience. We are setting a new standard for interoperability and creating a more integrated NFT marketplace.”

Cor Pruijs, co-founder and CTO at Union Labs, also noted: “Reliable interoperability between Stargaze and Ethereum NFTs is a game changer. With Union’s zkIBC connection to Ethereum, we support generic message passing, allowing us to securely provide merkle inclusion proofs for NFTs. This efficient trading environment will revolutionize the way NFTs are handled.”

This integration aims to improve the liquidity and accessibility of NFTs on both Ethereum and Cosmos and is expected to attract more creators and collectors to both platforms.

See also  Ethereum ETFs: Approved! | Web3 Daily

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