US Senator Claims Biden Administration Is Using Crypto as a ‘Scapegoat’ to Mask Failures in Stopping Illegal Finance

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In a sharp criticism during a Senate hearing on April 9, Senator Tim Scott accused the current US administration of making digital assets the “scapegoat” in efforts to combat terrorist financing, ignoring more important, more traditional sources of such funding were ignored, especially those benefiting Iran. .

Addressing Deputy Finance Minister Adewale Adeyemo, Scott expressed concern over the Treasury Department’s exclusive requests for expanded authority over cryptocurrencies to the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.

He argued that this narrow focus sidelines important sources of terrorist financing, including Iran’s $35 billion in oil exports and another $16 billion in U.S. hostage assistance and electricity waivers, which Scott said prevent the Iranian government’s misuse of funds ease.

According to Scott, the focus on crypto misses the “elephant in the room” as the scope of the conversation about illicit finance is “much bigger than digital assets.”

Strict supervision required

In response, Assistant Treasury Secretary Adeyemo defended the focus on digital assets, stating that the Treasury’s current lack of authority makes it challenging to effectively restrict crypto transactions compared to traditional financial transfers.

Adeyemo highlighted the specific challenges that crypto poses, including Russia’s use of stablecoins to avoid sanctions and North Korea’s reliance on mixers to obscure financial transactions.

Adeyemo outlined the Ministry of Finance’s request for additional powers over crypto, a proposal made in November that aims to introduce secondary sanctions against foreign crypto providers, tighten existing regulations and address the risks of international crypto platforms to grab.

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Adeyemo also addressed Scott’s concerns about the misuse of humanitarian funding, saying the US plans to remain committed to humanitarian assistance despite Iran’s known misuse of funding.

In his prepared remarks, Adeyemo explained how the Treasury Department wants additional authority over crypto. The formal request from the Ministry of Finance, dating from November, focuses on three points: introducing a secondary sanctions instrument targeting foreign crypto providers, strengthening existing authority over crypto, and addressing jurisdictional risk from internationally established crypto platforms.

Other remarks

The call for better oversight of digital assets also received support from other senators, who believe the sector needs stricter regulation.

Committee Chairman Sherrod Brown emphasized the importance of crypto platforms adhering to the same regulatory standards as traditional financial institutions, especially in combating terrorist financing.

Senator Bob Menendez raised concerns about the ease of converting oil proceeds into crypto, with Adeyemo reiterating the need for a more comprehensive authority over the sector.

Senator Bob Menendez expressed concern that Iran could convert proceeds from oil sales into cryptocurrency. Adeyemo, in response, reiterated the need for a more comprehensive authority over the sector.

Senator Elizabeth Warren also contributed, highlighting Iran’s role as a blockchain validator and its potential to make millions in transaction fees, including from US transactions. Warren called for expanding regulations for financial institutions to include blockchain validators to prevent abuse.

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