Web3 Just Found a Side Door in Web2 (And We Totally Missed It)

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  • If you can paste/embed a link on a web2 platform, you can allow users to interact with your web3 app or game without ever leaving the platform (which means web3 now has web2-style distribution options ).

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We need to call some people…

And those people are ourselves.

When we wrote yesterday about the Ethereum and Solana ecosystems matching up one by one in many a feature update, we went over the launch of Solana’s new ‘Blinks’ feature a bit.

Here’s the Oprah patented “ah ha” we just had (24 hours later):

Last week we wrote about ‘Hamster Kombat’ — the Telegram-based game that has now attracted 200 million users since March.

A few days later we continued talking about how web2 companies (like Telegram) have the biggest opportunity on web3 because they have built a distribution that extends far beyond any web3-native apps/platforms.

…but so far we have not been able to combine these two stories with the arrival of Solana Blinks.

Hamster Kombat is (apparently) a fun game, easily accessible to Telegram’s 900 million monthly active users through the app.

Web3 apps/games don’t have that kind of distribution power.

(For example: the leading ETH and SOL wallets, MetaMask and Phantom, have a combined monthly active user base of 37 million).

But features like Blinks get around that hurdle by pulling out of distribution from existing Web2 platforms.

If you can paste/embed a link on a web2 platform, you can allow users to interact with your web3 app or game: without ever leaving the platform.

(Just like Telegram).

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The huge opportunity is:

Building on Solana, you can now surpass Telegram’s reach of 900 million monthly active users simply by posting your game to Facebook, Twitter, Reddit – or hey, even Telegram itself.

Now – there’s still a big catch:

Users of these web2 platforms still need a Solana wallet, like Phantom, to interact with the game or app… so there’s still friction.

But chances are that the social proof (aka: people who see these apps/games) everywhere on their timeline) offered by these major web2 platforms will drive wallet adoption to the right.

It’s as if web3 technology just found a side door to web2!

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