Why is Polygon busy but not making any money?

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Polygon (MATIC), a Layer-2 scaling solution for the Ethereum blockchain, is in a curious position. Recent data from Messari paints a picture of a network bursting with activity: the number of daily active addresses increases by almost 120%, the number of new user registrations explodes by 70% and the daily number of transactions reaches a whopping 4 million. Yet beneath this vibrant surface lurks a troubling undercurrent: a 19% drop in quarterly revenue compared to the previous quarter, and a hefty 40% decline year-over-year.

Polygon: a network that is on fire

Polygon’s userbase is clearly in love. The first quarter of 2024 witnessed a land rush, with new addresses flooding into the network at an unprecedented pace. This increase in user adoption translated into a transaction frenzy, with daily interactions on the platform quadrupling.

Source: Messari

The decentralized finance (DeFi) sector on Polygon also thrived, with total value (TVL) in DeFi projects increasing by 30% compared to the previous quarter. The non-fungible token (NFT) ecosystem is enabled Polygon also received a boost: sales volume increased by almost 20%.

MATIC price action in the last 24 hours. Source: CoinMarketCap

The income conundrum

So why that long face amid the festive confetti? The answer lies in Polygon’s dwindling revenue stream. Despite the exponential growth in activity, the network’s coffers are being hit.

The $7 million earned in the first quarter of 2024 pales in comparison to the $10 million and $12 million brought in in the previous quarter and the same period last year, respectively. This gap between booming activity and declining sales is the million-dollar question that has analysts scratching their heads.

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MATIC market cap currently at $6.8 billion. Chart: TradingView.com

Reimbursement fiasco or funding flow?

There are two main suspects behind this income paradox. The first culprit could be Polygon’s transaction fee structure. Perhaps, in an effort to attract more users, the network lowered its fees so much that, despite the massive increase in transactions, overall revenue generation suffered.

Another possibility lies in a possible shift in Polygon’s revenue sources. Perhaps there was a decline in revenue from a specific source, such as grants or partnerships, that was not sufficiently offset by growth in other areas.

What lies ahead

Polygon is facing a critical moment. The network’s ability to attract users and foster a vibrant DeFi and NFT ecosystem is undeniable. However, failure to resolve the revenue issue could jeopardize long-term sustainability. Going forward, transparency from Polygon regarding its fee structure and revenue streams will be critical to addressing investor concerns.

Furthermore, exploring alternative revenue models, such as offering premium services or strategic partnerships, could be the key to unlocking Polygon’s full financial potential.

Featured image from Zameen.com, chart from TradingView

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