Why MetaStones holders hope to get played…

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Unless you’ve been in a coma or been to Burning Man, you’ve probably encountered whispers Metastones, the new Taoist Dao. If you missed the memos, don’t worry. In a nutshell, it’s basically just that, a cool unique DAO and NFT collection themed around ancient eastern philosophy. One of the standout features of the project was its lack of boastful, world-changing promises and claims that its followers would TENX their money. Instead, the developers were just offering the chance to be a part of something cool and unique…well, that and some rumored mystery Project X. (No, it’s not Twitter).

Today we found out a little more about Project X and, as secret plans go, it’s a belter. If you’ve searched and stalked their website and roadmap like ours, you might have understood that Project X had something to do with eSports, AI and Gamefi. At least that’s what we thought. Oh how wrong we were. The truth is that Project X is ALL about eSports, AI and Gamefi. As we said, we can’t reveal the game just yet, but we can tell you a few secrets. That being said, if all goes according to plan, MetaStones could host a virtual Pro eSports tournament soon. Let’s call it the PG (AI) Pro Tour (no hookup yet). Without dropping too many spoilers, the developers behind MetaStones and its ambitious Project X have a lot of work to do.

What’s the idea then?

Okay, you twisted our arm. So you know how deep fake AI apps can already instantly switch faces in live action movie scenes? Well, it doesn’t take Steve Jobs to figure out where that’s going. Put it this way, you know those memes that ask you to name a movie but trade one character for a Muppet?

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“Hey computer, can you stream Bladerunner for me, but let’s have Kermit the Frog as Dekker.”

Knowing it’s coming doesn’t make it any less terrifying. Anyway, we digress. So by the time Project X is up and running, the smart money says this technology will be old news. Instead, the developers plan to put YOU in the game. Forget about streaming, well, remember it’s part of the plan, but put it aside for now. Imagine a tournament where your photorealistic avatar, caricature or your NFT anime princess is a serious contender. Imagine real avatars with hidden AI-generated stats competing on a virtual, photo-realistic, level playing field with real user input, real risks and rewards. Imagine scaring the hell out of Bruce Lee or going two under parr for Tiger. Think trophies, endorsements, caps for your country, world records, transfers, fees, fans and everything that real competitive sports have, but instead of wife-beating randos, you become the player…or the coach…or the agent…

We admit, we’ve said too much… but that’s because it’s TOO MUCH. There we were, all the while praising MetaStones for their down-to-earth humble ambition not realizing that not only did they have a secret plan for world domination, but it was brilliant.

You can follow the rush to MetaStones and Project X here. I think the cat is out of the gym bag now.

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