Wreck League opens with opening tournament

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It’s time to assemble your Mechs and battle for glory and a top spot on the leaderboards as Wreck League opens their first Ranked Tournament! With over 1.4 trillion possible combinations of Mech parts, every Mech fighter will be different and every battle a different experience!

Recently announced, Wreck League is already letting players open boxes to find parts, assemble those parts into Mechs, and take out their Mechs for some PvP action!

And they’re starting things off with a bang, as they jump straight into a Ranked Tournament with thousands of prizes!

Mez’i’s chaos

Mez’i’s Mayhem is the official title of this tournament. The tournament started on September 14 and runs until September 28. It offers three daily time slots during which the PvP feature will be available.

Scoring is quite simple. One point for a win, minus one point for a loss, although a player’s score can never fall below 0. This prioritizes skill and consistency over the number of matches played. Wreck League features a points-based matchmaking system, so you’ll generally be competing against opponents with scores in the same range as you.

At the end of the tournament, rewards go to the top 17,000 players and range from a simple common share for those in 10,000th place and above, to an exclusive iconic holoscope for the top three players, which grants them ownership of an Arena NFT in the future! Arena NFTs allow holders to create their own custom tournament, earning a percentage of the revenue from the tournament buy-in.

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Other prizes include a fully assembled Koda Mech for fourth through tenth places, while players in places 11-25 will receive a Mech made entirely of Legendary parts!

Buy a mech

There are two options for getting a Mech. You can buy an already built Mechor you can put one together yourself parts can be found in boxes And purchase on the Open Sea. An already mounted Mech costs 0.05 ETH or more.

Mechs have dozens of potential abilities based on their different body parts. So if you’re planning on building one yourself, you might want to read more about the official documentation before you start building. Wreck League includes a disassembly feature for breaking down Mechs for parts. Mechs require a part in each of the ten slots before they can be assembled. Transaction costs apply for both assembly and disassembly.

What is Wreck League?

Wreck League is a side-scrolling, PvP, one-on-one, action combat game. However, instead of a static list of characters, players build their own Fighter Mechs from NFT parts! These parts not only affect the Mech’s appearance, but also its combat abilities.

Mechs are made up of 10 different types of parts, resulting in more than 1.4 quadrillion combinations available. Fortunately, the game allows players to disassemble their mechs and get their parts back for use in another creation. So if you don’t like how your Mech is performing, you can always tear it down and start over!

Wreck League will include both a web3, NFT-based version, and a free-to-play, web2 version. The web3 version will be launched first, followed by the web2 version later this year.

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Wreck League has three tournaments planned for season one, offering Mech parts as rewards, including unique NFTs!

An interesting addition is that those who build and own NFT Mechs will only be able to make in-game copies of those Mechs and sell them through the game store to other players who will receive a share of the proceeds in return. So players who can pull off killer combos can potentially monetize their Mech building skills!

For more information about Wreck League, visit them websitefollow them further Tweet and join their Discord server.

Phil Hall has been a gaming enthusiast since birth and a crypto enthusiast since 2017. He loves new discoveries and sharing them with others through blogging and photography. You can follow him on Twitter or read his other articles on Medium.

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