Zynga Announces Web3 Game Sugartown

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Zynga, one of the most recognized names in casual gaming, opened a web3 gaming division known as ZW3. Now they are announcing their first release, a gaming platform called Sugartown!

Sugartown is a new web3 gaming platform being built by ZW3, the web3 gaming division of Zynga. This platform will be the central venue for ZW3-made games, but it seems they want to encourage user-generated content as well. Whether that includes full game stack development, or just mods and tweaks for the Zynga games, is still unknown.

In fact, we don’t really have many details about the Sugartown platform yet. But we do have some knowledge and the announcement of their first NFT collection!

Zynga Sugartown

Sugartown and Oras

The lore for Sugartown revolves around a group of farm animals who accidentally opened a multi-dimensional portal. As part of this event, Oras appeared. Oras will be the first NFT collection for Sugartown, and it looks like they could be a founder-level NFT type. Details about Oras are also missing. But the general gist seems to be that the Oras will function as governance NFTs and may also have the ability to build their own games on the platform. The website talks about helping to determine the direction of the games on Sugartown and also mentions user-created content.

The Sugartown team has announced that they plan to turn the Oras into a free coin! They also say they plan to have all available Ora mints registered through the admission list process. But if none are struck, they go to a public sale.

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Other than that, we’re told to stay tuned for details on time, date, logistics, and the number of Ora available. Check out their Twitter feed and join their Discord for updates. However, the Discord is currently locked behind a passcode. Codes have limited use and are released randomly and during project events. So be sure to keep an eye out for Zynga and Sugartown’s announcements to gain access to the Discord server and get an early shot at grabbing a spot on the admission list!

And of course the question will be, “Can Zynga bring web2 gamers to their web3 game?” Hopefully we’ll see it soon!

Visit them for more information about Sugartown websitefollow them up Twitterand join them Disagreement.

Sugar town

Phil Hall has been a game enthusiast since birth and a crypto enthusiast since 2017. He enjoys new discoveries and sharing them with others through blogging and photography. You can follow him on Twitter or read his other articles on Medium.

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